Saturday, October 9, 2021

Psalm 101 - "The Way (New Horizons)"


God took me to Psalm 101 this morning. What a blessing this Scripture is to me! I read it in different versions and was so blessed by verse eight in The Passion Translation. It reads: At each and every sunrise I will awake to do what’s right and put to silence those who love wickedness, freeing God’s people from their evil grip. I will do all of this because of my great love for you! Woo hoo! It is my goal in life to wake up each day and do what God desires of me. I desire to fulfill the desires of His heart as I walk in obedience to Him. Am I always successful? Absolutely not because I am human. I find the more I strive to be successful for Him the more I will be. Woo hoo! The more I strive to hear His voice the more He will empower me to do so. It is all about dying to self and allowing Him total control over every aspect of life. Checkbook, calendar, family members...the list must include all of life. We cannot hold onto anything and expect to be successful for Him. When we have words spoken over us or circumstances done against us that hurt, we have a choice to make. We can either continue to allow the hurt to rear its ugly head or we can give it to God. The enemy wants to tear us apart. The desire of his heart is for us to fail not thrive. I refuse to allow the enemy to win in my life. My God is greater than anything that comes my way. He is greater than the 'junk' of the world. Praise His Holy Name. Psalm 101 encourages me as a person and as a pastor to strive to live as God desires. It encourages me to be determined to live in this manner. Guzik wrote of this Psalm: David’s longing for the LORD was connected to his desire to live a wise and holy life (perfect way). He determined that his reign would be marked by integrity and godliness. I desire to live a wise and holy life just as David. That desire is compounded with the call God has on my life to be a pastor. I want people to see me trusting God through the mountains and valleys of life in a way that will encourage them to also live trusting Him. The song "The Way (New Horizon)" is going through my mind this morning...

And it's a new horizon and I'm set on You
And You meet me here today with mercies that are new
All my fears and doubts, they can all come too
Because they can't stay long when I'm here with You

Woo hoo! Yes! Today is a new day. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is yet to be. What I do today will reflect who God is in my life. I pray people will see/hear Him through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the rest You provided yesterday! Thank You for loving on me so greatly! Thank You for the opportunities You gave me to love on people even though I never left the house! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May people know You are in control of my life by all I do and say. I pray physical and mental strength for my Momma as she deals with some 'junk' in life today. I pray for many dealing with 'junk' to allow You to be their King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May Your presence be with: my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Ben and Colleen; Tony and Madeline; Lisa; Steve; Melanie; Joan; Terri Hall; Sharon Sebolt; Courtney Pottenger Family; Ms Savon; Norma Hall; Kayla; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a friend who needs protection in a hostile workplace; ones dealing with verbal attacks from 'friends' and loved ones; a teen in a volatile home situation; and so many others. I continue to pray for healing for: those with COVID; Wanda Brown's granddaughter; Josh Gerber's mother; Little Ivy with leukemia; Little Jensen who needs a heart transplant; Ashley; Pastor Kevin; Sharon's niece Amy; Gay and Doug; Ed; and Frank. I pray comfort for Shelley's family along with the Edwards and Garrison families with their loss. I praise You for Jodi receiving good test results! I also praise You for being close to David as he received news of his ninety-two year old father being diagnosed with COVID. Thank You for starting my day off with encouragement from Rickey! How You bless me through him! Thank You for being My Way! Amen.

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