Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Philippians 4 - "The More I Seek You"

Memories from five years ago came up in my pictures these last few days. It was our first experience to live in the south and have a hurricane go through. It was also my first experience with doctor appointments for the biopsy on what the mammogram found in my breast. There were a lot of firsts those first couple weeks of October but the constant in life was God provided. We were not financially ready for several days in a hotel away from home but He provided. We were not emotionally ready for a weather hurricane nor a health hurricane but God provided. We were not ready for the mental anguish with making decisions but God provided. He always provides when we allow Him. I remember years ago fretting over how bills would be paid and spending many sleepless nights over them. When I gave them to God, He provided not only for the bills but also with peace in my spirit. He provided financially for Paul through the generous spirit of the Church of Philippi. So many people have and continue to support the ministry here in Beaufort. I am so thankful for not only the financial support but the emotional support as well. I could not do what I do without God providing support from others. He loves on me through others in some pretty special ways. Paul wrote in Philippians 4:10-13 in the Tree of Life Version....

I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me (though you were concerned before but lacked opportunity to show it). I am not saying this because I am in need—for whatever circumstance I am in, I have learned to be content. I know what it is to live with humble means, and I know what it is to live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of contentment—both to be filled and to go hungry, to have abundance and to suffer need. I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me.

We all need to live in the state of contentment. No matter if we have little or a lot we need to realize God is the One who provides. This does not just pertain to finances but to every part of life. When we are feeling down, we need to seek more of Him to lift us up. When we are feeling lonely, we need to seek more of Him to realize we are never alone. When we are feeling confused, we need to seek more of Him to realize He is not the one to cause confusion. Kari Jobe's song "The More I Seek You" is on my mind this morning...

The more I seek you
The more I find you
The more I find you
The more I love you

I want to sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hand
Lay back against you and breathe, feel your heart beat
This love is so deep, its more than I can stand
I melt in your peace, its overwhelming

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunities You presented to me yesterday to love with Your love and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for a good visit with Marion! My heart breaks for the pain she experiences. Thank You for bringing Philippians 4 and the song "The More I Seek You" to me this morning! Some days are just harder than others but when I look around I see people going through harder things than myself. When I reflect back on past Octobers, I see Your hand stretched out to pull me closer. My sister's murder, my breast cancer diagnosis, Mr Fran, Grammy, and Mordecei's deaths, hurricane evacuation...You are always with me and I am so grateful for that knowledge. I am grateful You for the ways You encourage me through friends. Thank You for the way You use Rickey to encourage me through 'tough' days! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You ooze out of me in a new, different way! I pray encouragement over many going through 'tough' days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother; Ben and Colleen; Tony and Madeline; Scott; Lisa; Steve; Melanie; Joan; Terri Hall; Rachael and Bill Watts; Sharon Sebolt; Courtney Pottenger Family; Ms Savon; Norma Hall; Kayla; many with COVID: some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a friend who needs protection in a hostile workplace; ones dealing with verbal attacks from 'friends' and loved ones; a teen in a volatile home situation; and so many others. I pray for the Garrison, Edwards, Younger, and Lupton families with recent losses. I pray for those going through or recuperating from procedures/treatments to receive healing. Ashley, Pastor Kevin, Sharon's niece Amy, Gay and Doug, Little Ivy, Ed, Frank, My heart breaks for Little Jensen who needs a heart transplant. Thank You for being My Provider! Amen.

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