Thursday, October 14, 2021

I John 3:23-24 - "Alive"

Five years ago today was a day I will never forget. I remember it was a Friday so Doc had 'off' and promised me he would take me to lunch and the beach. The day before I had a breast biopsy and was thankful 'everything looked good' but of course they sent it away to confirm it was ok. I was moving slowing that morning from having anesthetic the day before. When the phone rang and I saw it was Dr. Mansker, I assumed it was 'good' news. I was devastated to hear, 'Mrs. Burrows, I am so sorry to tell you cancer was found in the out lying tissue we sent away.' What?!?!?!?! How could that be. I was just told the day before there was no cancer and now told this. The tears immediately started and the ugly sobbing happened as soon as I hung up the phone. But God. He showed up in a powerful way. At just that moment my phone rang. I saw it was Joy Wilson calling. I had not talked to her in months and was going to let it go into voice mail since I was a blubbering mess but answered. I told her about the phone call and she explained the Holy Spirit had prompted her to call me. But God. He is so, so good! He knew what I needed and provided. Doc decided we were going to go into town and get some lunch as previously planned so we did. We ate and then we sat at the swings at the waterfront and talked. I remember discussing our move to South Carolina. He still had not found a part-time job to supplement what the church paid but we knew God had a plan. The previous week we had survived Hurricane Matthew. It had postponed my biopsy and took a hit on our finances with being in a hotel for several days. But God. He provided financially through friends and He provided for us emotionally. The emotions were running high five years ago. But God. He was with us every step of the way. After testing and surgeries we realized God had not provided Doc a part-time job because He knew I needed him with me through some difficult days. He knew what I needed and provided. But God. I am reminded of a song Big Daddy Weave sings called "Alive"...

But God, rich in mercy
You came to save me
Now I'm alive
But God, strong and mighty
You reached down for me
So I could rise
Now I'm breathing in, breathing out
I was in the grave, but God you called me out

I made the decision five years ago today to not allow 'c' to have control over my life. I knew then and I know now God is the Only One who has that authority. But God. He is the Only One who can calm me in the best way possible when the enemy comes knocking. I firmly believe the enemy did not want us here in South Carolina. He tried and continues to try to knock me down but I refuse to allow him any power over me. Every day when I went to radiation I wore a Scripture scarf and we prayed before the treatment and we praised God for being with us. When the pain became intense due to the burning, we praised Him for being with us. When He gave me opportunity to be a beacon of light at the cancer center, I praised Him. When I came to the end of the treatments, I praised Him. Every time I have a 'clean' mammogram, I praise Him. 'c' may have come into my life and will forever have changed me but it does not have authority over me. But God. He is the One with authority. He is the One who loves me dearly and has been with me through some 'tough' days with Doc dying after battling pancreatic cancer for sixteen months. He is the One who gives me physical strength every day to not allow MS to take over. He is the One who gives me emotional strength as I live the life of a widow. He is the One who gives me mental strength when my mind is frazzled. He is the One who gives me financial strength through all the ways He provides for me. Most of all He is the One who gives me spiritual strength to be the godly woman He has called me to be. But God. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the memories from this day! Thank You for being so close to me over these last five years! Thank You for that call from Joy Wilson five years ago today! Thank You for her obedience! Thank You for the way You guide every step of my days! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May I truly fulfill the desire of Your heart to be the godly woman You have called me to be. Father, my heart hurts for so many going through some 'tough' days. I pray they will see You in these times and allow You to be exactly what they need. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Ben and Colleen; Steve; Lisa; Tony and Madelene; Melanie; Joan; Terri Hall; Sharon Sebolt; the Pottenger Family; Norma Hall; Chrissy, her Mom, and her cousin; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a friend who needs protection in a hostile workplace; ones dealing with verbal attacks from 'friends' and loved ones; a teen in a volatile home situation; Jenn Brake's grandparents and others with COVID; and so many others. I continue to pray for healing for: Wanda Brown's granddaughter; Josh Gerber's mother; Little Ivy with leukemia; Little Jensen who needs a heart transplant; Donna from her fall; Ashley; Pastor Kevin; Sharon's niece Amy; Gay and Doug; Ed; and Frank. Thank You for the opportunity to provide lunch for the homeless lady yesterday! Thank You for a homeless family who are being blessed by a landlord who is working with them so them and their three little ones have a roof over their head! Thank You for bringing Rickey into my life who encourages me greatly even though we are seven hundred miles apart! Thank You for being with so many who have lost loved ones! Thank You for being My Authority! Amen.

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