Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Psalm 46:10a - "Still"

I woke up during the night and again this morning with people on my mind that need prayer to not be fearful. There are so many who are dealing with tough situations in their lives right now. I am praying for...

  • one who is facing surgery for the first time along with her husband
  • one who is struggling financially and not sure how the bills will be covered this month
  • one with a work presentation coming up
  • one whose world seems to be falling apart in every aspect of life
  • two are waiting biopsy results
  • one is waiting on re-testing for cancer
  • one is anxious to sell her home
Some of these ones are in relationship with the Lord while others are not. Some realize He is their strength but just need reassured while others have no clue of what life is like with such assurance. Life's ups and downs are easier to handle in His strength but they still happen. We are human. Therefore, there will be doubt and fear will kick in from time to time. The key to getting through the ups and downs of life in the best way is to not only be saved but to also be sanctified. When we allow His Holy Spirit to rule our lives, His joy will be there in the 'good' and the 'bad' times. Once we are living in His Spirit we can rest in the knowledge that He is in control. We just need to be still and allow Him to work in and through us in every situation.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings from yesterday and the blessings ahead in this day. Thank You for the beautiful flowers from Mr Ethan and his Momma. Thank You for the time with Tiffany and the kids yesterday and then with Mr Eddie and his Momma. Thank You for Jack coming over to make the mashed potatoes for last night and then the time with the children and teens last night. You filled my day with an abundance of love and for that I am grateful. Thank You for Doc's count being lower this morning. I pray for a continued healing upon his body. I also pray for the nausea to leave soon for him. Today is a new day. I pray for something new, different in this day. I pray for You to use me in a mighty way to be Your hands and feet. Thank You for being My Stillness. Amen.

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