Sunday, October 22, 2017

Philippians 4:13 - "You Are My All In All'

Sometimes the things that happen on this earth make us want to give up...
Sometimes one feels like God has left them...
Sometimes there is the feeling of defeat...
But God is always with us. No matter what happens. No matter how low one feels. He is always with us. He is our 'All In All'! I woke up with these words going through my mind...

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all

There are promises in this song and in His Word that we must hold onto. Philippians 4:13 is a great example of such a promise. He has fulfilled it in me over and over again. When I was not able to get out of bed due to MS, He gave me this verse to hang onto. At the time I thought it was for physical issues. Since then I have learned it is my whole being. His strength is my strength...physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and most of all spiritually. His strength is perfect. His strength gets me through every day and blesses me in abundance. His strength opens my eyes to opportunity to be Him to others. His strength is not just my strength when I ask for it but it is my strength all the time.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your strength that enables me to be who You desire of me. Thank You for loving me so greatly that You provide exactly what I need. Father, this morning I am praying for Your strength in abundance for me physically, mentally and emotionally throughout this day. My physical body is struggling. Therefore my mental and emotional bodies are compromised. But I know You will provide whatever I need and for that I am grateful. May You be my words and actions throughout this day. I pray for more of You to show through my attitude today. In times like this it is not always easy to function as a shining light for You but that is my desire. Cleanse me, fill me and use me. Thank You Jesus for being My All In All. Amen.

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