Saturday, October 21, 2017

Isaiah 33 - "My Anchor"

This morning the Lord took me again to Isaiah 33. I read it and re-read but just wasn't getting whatever He wanted me to get. He had me read this scripture a few days ago so I figure I must have missed something or He wanted to reinforce something. I then read some other scripture but He impressed on me to go back to Isaiah 33 so I did. This time verses fifteen through twenty-four clicked with me. These verses spoke to me about how He empowers us to stand against the things of life that come up against us that take us into sin. God is all we need in today's world to live for eternity in heaven. His power is ours when we accept and embrace it. Verse twenty-three describes a ship torn apart which represents a person without God. They are 'sick' in their sin. But there is no sin in heaven. For that knowledge we have hope. Those who do not follow Him are shipwrecked in their souls. They are torn apart but do not have to continue living in this manner. Instead one can accept His salvation and walk in His empowerment through the Holy Spirit. Life will be more peaceful not only on this earth but for eternity. The ways of the world are not where peace is found. It is only found in Him. When our 'ship' is being tossed about, He will calm our storm. When we hear the words cancer, Hospice, or death of a loved one, we can have His peace. He does not always 'fix' things or give us what we want but He always gives us what we need to get through situations of life. He is the anchor in life that enables us to be able to stay on course for eternal life. The word anchor means 'a reliable or principle support'...yes, He is My Support. He supports me physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and most of all spiritually. My faith in Him is my anchor. I love this towel I bought this week...

I desire for people to see His strength in me. When they do, they will question. Questions lead to conversations and conversations lead people to the Lord. Woo hoo! That is what life is all about. As I reflect back on my parents life together I am amazed at all they went through. The only way they were able to get through so many things was because He was their anchor. Many people say things such as 'why do bad things happen to good people?' The answer is plain and simple. God uses the 'bad things' of life for His empowerment to be seen through such things when we allow it. We just need to be careful to not complain but instead to give Him glory. Understanding this is the only way to get through life knowing He is in control. My physical vision may be having issues right now but my spiritual vision is '20/20'! I could be grumbling and complaining about this vision issue which in turn could open a door for the enemy. Instead I am praying and believing the Lord is in control. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for taking me back to Isaiah 33 this morning. Thank You for being my supernatural empowerment. Thank You for yesterday and the time Doc and I had together. Thank You for the day that is ahead. May You give me many opportunities to be You to those who see or hear me today. May You cleanse me of anything that could stop that from happening. I am in awe of how You anchor my soul to be who You want me to be. I pray for more of You and less of me. I pray for boldness in my words to show You better to others. Lord, I am praying today for a family who are watching their loved one leave this earth. I pray he will spend eternity with You and his family members also. I pray for Your peace in this family. Lord, thank You for being My 20/20! Amen.

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