Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mark 4:20 - "Magnify"

The Lord woke me to the song "Magnify" at 5AM and just would not let me go back to sleep. This words are what I desire to live out...

Take it all take it all away
Magnify no other name
Open up open up my eyes
To you

Yes! My desire is to have more of Him fill me up each day in a different, new way. I think of the verse I chose to 'ponder, personalize and practice' from our study last night. Jesus gave these words to the disciples many years ago as He taught them by the Sea of Galilee. This particular parable was about the farmer. Jesus has the farmer in the story sowing seeds in comparison to a believer who sows seeds of the Gospel. The farmer expects results from his work just as the believer expects results from the seeds they sow. Not all of the seeds planted by the farmer are fruitful just as not all the seeds a believer plants will be fruitful. It is only through the love, mercy and grace of Jesus that we can be 'good seeds' for Him. My desire is to a 'good seed' who sows more 'good seeds.' The only way for this to be accomplished is by doing exactly what the words to the song said to me this morning...

Take it all take it all away
Magnify no other name
Open up open up my eyes
To you

Yes! Oh how I pray He will strip anything away that is not of Him which in turn will keep me from sowing 'good seeds.' I need my eyes opened up by Him for different, new ways I can be Him to all I meet. I think of the many opportunities He gives me to sow seeds daily. I pray for each seed to be fertilized, nurtured and harvested. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the word picture You have given me from Mark 4. Thank You for the opportunities You give me to sow seeds. Lord, as I ponder and personalize this verse I pray You will empower me to put it into practice in a different, new way than I have ever experienced before. Father, I also pray the seeds I plant in my prayers will be blessed. I think of the way You had me pray last night for the family who lost their precious loved one from his battle with cancer. Father, they need Your peace and strength in a mighty way. I also think of the prayers You had me pray over my husband at 5AM. He needs Your peace and strength in a mighty way. There are so many people in my little world who need You in a different, new way. I pray You will empower me to touch their lives by planting 'good seeds' into them. Thank You Jesus for being My Planter. Amen.

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