Monday, October 2, 2023

Psalm 19; Psalm 51 - "God Of Wonders"

Yesterday I talked about Psalm 19 and the way God speaks through creation. That does not mean just through human beings who He created but the all aspects of nature. Yesterday afternoon we went out to the ocean. I loved the sound of waves and feeling the breeze on my face as I sat and read. Feeling the sun shine down upon me reminded me God's Son shines down on me. David wrote in Psalm 19:2-3, Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. David saw God in the early morning sunrise; heard Him in a booming thunderstorm; felt Him in a soft summer breeze as he tended his sheep, etc. Creation itself proclaims the glory of God. If you don’t hear the voice of nature – if you don’t see it, feel it and experience it for yourself – you’re not paying attention. Nature proclaims the glory of God. As I watched and listened to the waves yesterday I felt in touch with God. He was there in His creation. As I picked up shells He was there. With the wind blowing my hair He was there. We can learn so much from God's creation. I have these words to "God Of Wonders" going through my mind this morning...

Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
When I stumble in the darkness
I will call Your Name by night

God desires to pour out His love, mercy and grace upon us 24/7. We just have to accept it. When we've sinned, we need to repent and allow Him to cleanse us as David spoke of in Psalm 51. We need to allow Him to teach us how to forgive and forget as He does. 'Night' represents dark times in life. 'Morning' represents when we have gone through such dark times and allowed God to be our strength. There is victory in the morning! There is the feeling of accomplishment when we get through 'dark' times. God will be glorified through such times as we allow Him. Praise His Holy Name!

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the blessings of yesterday with Sunday School, morning worship with communion, lunch with our church family, and Doug and I enjoying Your creation at the ocean in the afternoon! Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for the day ahead! Cleanse me so people will see/hear You through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. I pray for 'mornings' for many going through difficult days. My sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Doug's sister Jackie; Cait; Rhonda; Mike; Norma Hall; Jack and Paula; Sharon Sebolt and her parents; some young ladies with anxiety; a husband/father separated from his wife; Brooklyn; April; families in turmoil; Gay and Doug; Sherry; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many dealing with ‘c’ and/or going through treatments…Chrissy’s cousin; Shirley Jones; Little Judson; Little Roselynn; a young girl in our community; Audrey; Mr Mullett; Marybeth's friends; David; Dave and Carol with his treatments; and Dan. I pray for: the Long family; Becky; Baby Sabre and her family; Debbie and her family; Mr. John; and Russ. Thank You for continued healing for Pastor Tommy and Pam! Thank You for being My 'God of Wonders'! Amen.  

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