Saturday, April 8, 2023

John 3:16 - "God Is In This Story"

Good Friday brings so many emotions. When we think about the sacrifice God gave with His Only Son for all to live, it is amazing. It can be overwhelming to ponder upon. It was such a privilege to be one of the many District Low Country pastors who participated in the service last night. It was a first for me. I will treasure the memories of last night. One of my favorite memories is of anointing and praying over Doug at the altar. Sitting in a church service with him for the first time is another memory I will treasure. I remember how special it was when Doc and I would be on vacation and be able to sit together for a church service. That is something I think all pastors treasure with their significant other. I hope it doesn't rain for the community sunrise service tomorrow so we can participate in it before going to our church for services. I also pray for those who are contemplating going to church this weekend. I pray they will make the step to do so. I pray people will go into tomorrow services ready to celebrate what God has done for all of us with the sacrifice of His Son. That is my prayer every day. We need to not just celebrate God in our life on Sundays or special holidays but every day. We need to praise Him for all He is to us. He blesses us every day in ways we know and in ways we are not even aware. He puts people in our path who bless us in abundance. Last night was special to me in so many ways. One was getting to introduce Doug to some of my district friends. Another way that made the day special was taking Cait and the kids out for Chinese buffet before the service. This has become a tradition for me to do with them when I put on my 'grandma hat' and spoil them. I am grateful for all the great memories made around the table with them. As I looked around last night and saw some of my district family I thought about memories made with several of them in the almost seven years since we came to South Carolina. Some of my colleagues there last night were with us through Doc's cancer journey. They supported me from across the miles in ways only Christian brothers and sisters could. Some of them are new in my little world of friends. They support me well with being a first-time pastor who is learning. I was thinking last night about Pastor Sylvia who lost her dear husband Pastor Jim yesterday. I know the emotions she is going through. The hurt of the loss yet the joy in knowing he is no longer in pain and suffering. I pray for people to gather around to support her as she needs. I pray she has someone with her as she wakes this morning for her first day as a widow. I also pray she feels God's presence in the 'tough' days ahead. I have the song "God Is In This Story" going through my mind this morning and praising God for who He is in my life.

God is in this story
God is in the details
Even in the broken parts
He holds my heart, He never fails
When I'm at my weakest
I will trust in Jesus
Always in the highs and lows
The One who goes before me
God is in this story

Dear Jesus, Thank You for all of the blessing of yesterday and the ones ahead today! I remember a few weeks ago wishing Doug could be in South Carolina for Easter weekend. Thank You for orchestrating that to happen! Thank You for the Good Friday service in Charleston last night and for the time with Cait and the kids on the travel to it! Cleanse me so You can fill me. May people see/hear You through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. Thank You for giving strength to many going through difficult days! I continue to pray for Carol and Dave with the death of his father and for Pastor Sylvia with the loss of her precious husband. May You be so real to...My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Marion; Cait; Rhonda; Mike; Norma Hall; Sharon Sebolt and her parents; some young ladies with anxiety; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; Mary Lilley; a husband/father separated from his wife; Brooklyn; Kristen Batten; April; Ashley Foor; families in turmoil; Gay and Doug; Sherry; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c' and/or going through treatments...Audrey; Katelyn; Chrissy's cousin; Shirley Jones; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Little Ivy; Little Judson; Little Roselynn; a young girl in our community; a lady whose breast cancer has returned; a lady diagnosed with stage two breast cancer; a lady diagnosed with throat cancer; Sue Danhoff's husband Harv; Michele with breast cancer; and Damon who was recently diagnosed with nasal cancer. I pray for: my friend who had a stroke, the Long Family, Becky, Russ, a couple contemplating divorce and another couple having serious issues, Sue, Kaytlin's husband, and my friend Rosemary. Thank You for continued healing for Pastor Tommy and PamI praise You for continued reconciliation for a father and his prodigal daughter. Thank You for being My Story Maker! Amen.

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