Sunday, August 1, 2021

Proverbs 31:25 - "All That I Am"

Woo hoo! Many people dread birthdays and a lot of people dread going from the fifties to the sixties. Not me! I am ready for whatever God has in store for another new year of life. The year of me being fifty-nine was one of many mountains and valleys but God was always with me. He encourages me so greatly through music, Scripture, people, and His creation. Yesterday spending time with friends was so special. Oh my, did we laugh! I love such times! Randy's hug and 'I'm so glad to see you happy' was so special. Last night my Momma was telling me about how scared she was to have me at a hospital after having four babies at home. She said she was picking cucumbers when labor began. Maybe that's why I love cucumbers...LOL. Walking around Orr Park last night Rickey and I sat down at the gazebo. I told him about my wedding to Doc being there when the effects of Hurricane Hugo was happening and about my Daddy umpiring ball games there at the park. I have so many fond memories there. The weather has been beautiful with the seventies in the daytime and fifties at night. I am so thankful God orchestrated this trip. He continues to bless me in abundance. I can hardly wait to see what He will do next in my life. Last year was 'tough' in so many ways yet I was blessed in abundance by my Heavenly Daddy every moment of each day. He blesses me every day with clear vision and the ability to walk on my own after twenty-seven years battling MS. He blesses me with giving me what it takes to get through the tingling throughout my body from the MS. He blesses me through people who love me and pray for me. I love my life and am thankful for every aspect of life He gives me. I do not have to fear what lies ahead. God already knows. I do not have to fear decisions that need made. God will direct me to make the right ones. i do not have to fear anything because God is my strength. Plain and simple. I do not have to fear. Woo hoo! All I have to do is focus on Him and allow Him to continue to be my King of Kings and Lord of Lords so I can be who He has called me to be. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for another year of life ahead! Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for Marlene and Bill; Sharon and Richard; and Carol and Randy coming yesterday! Thank You for the walk in the park Rickey and I had last night! Thank You for our conversation about Doc and my Daddy! What a blessing he is in my life! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You! I was sad when I woke this morning and realize I had not woke during the night to pray. I was so tired but I was surprised to sleep nine hours without waking, especially on a Saturday night. I'm glad I prayed for pastors before going to sleep and again this morning. Thank You for Pastor Ted who is filling the pulpit for me this morning! May You speak clearly through him and may the people have open ears. I pray for the same for all churches. Lord, be glorified today. I pray for  many who are going through 'tough' days to feel Your peace. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Pete and Delores; Melanie; Sharon Sebolt; Pottenger Family; Iwilda; Mandy and her family with the loss of her dear Momma; Chrissy; Rodney Lindsay and his family; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. Thank You for answered prayers yesterday with the young man who was shot being ok! Thank You for the day ahead to celebrate all You are in my life! Thank You for being My Life! Amen.

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