Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Psalm 16; I Peter 5:7 - "With Lifted Hands"


God took me to Psalm 16 this morning to remind me He is my Portion, my Protection, and my Praise. This Psalm is entitled The Golden Secret in The Passion Translation. The way believers live should not be a secret. We all should live out His love in a way people will desire to have Him in their life. Speaking life over people is a great way to share His love. There are too many people in this world who are worn down and ready to give up. When we speak life over them, it encourages them. I love when a waitress gets a smile on their face when I ask them how I can pray for them before eating. I was so blessed yesterday when Calie grabbed our hands and bowed her head while I prayed. She came to me as we were leaving to hug and thank me. She will remember that time and hopefully will remember the words of my prayer for her and her family to stay focused on God. He is so good when we allow Him to work in and through us. A little later we were talking about life and how people get through 'tough' times. I said something about how some may not think I have gone through a lot in my sixty years but as I reflect back there have been some pretty big mountains put before me. My faith has grown through these times. I do not do anything without God being in the middle of it. He is in all my decisions. Right after this conversation we listened to a lady speak on I Peter 5:7 that encourages us to cast all our cares on Him. When we stay focused on God, we do not have to worry about anything. He will make all the decisions as we allow Him. He will give us exactly what we need as we allow Him. I was thinking this morning about how good it is to be home. I enjoyed my time seeing friends and family and making memories but there is no place like home. I am tired from yesterday's travels but I know God will give me what I need for the day ahead. He protected me for the 2317 miles traveled. I love verse six of Psalm 16. Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you! Yes! He is my Portion in a mighty way! I praise Him for His wisdom (vs 7); His presence (vs 8); and HIs joy (vs 9)! I also praise Him for the knowledge found in Psalm 16:11. Because of you, I know the path of life, as I taste the fullness of joy in your presence. At your right side I experience divine pleasures forevermore! Woo hoo! Yes! I pray for more people to experience His joy. I need to get better at sharing His love to those He puts in my path so this can happen.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for safe travels and the opportunities to share You yesterday! Thank You for the opportunity Rickey and I had to pray with Calie yesterday! Thank You for going before me today and giving me exactly what I need to live out the desire of Your heart! Lord, my body is not wanting to move. I pray for Your supernatural empowerment to not just get through this day but to glorify You through it. I pray for a cleansing in my soul so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. May people see/hear You instead of me. Father, I pray for those going through 'tough' days to embrace I Peter 5:7 so they can realize the words of Psalm 16. Be greater than the hurts of life. I pray Your supernatural empowerment over: My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Pete and Delores; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Tim; Chrissy; Melanie; many with COVID; my friend going for further testing for something found on her breast; a man recently diagnosed with brain tumors; Audrey; Pottenger Family; Little Ivy and her family; Sharon Sebolt; Carrie and Chris; and so many others. My heart hurts for people who do not have You in their life and rejoices for those who do. Lord, empower me throughout the day ahead to praise You and share Your love as You desire. Thank You for being My Portion, Protection, and Praise! Amen.

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