Monday, August 23, 2021

Psalm 118:24 - "When We Fall Apart"

Yesterday we opened the service with the song "This Is The Day" which was a great blessing to this pastor's heart. Singing Scripture blessings me in abundance. Every day is a gift from God. We can open the gift up, embrace it, use it, etc. as He desires or we can be selfish and use it as we desire. We can allow Him to direct us through whatever happens in the day ahead or we can manipulate situations and make things turn out the way we desire. Yesterday was a day full of gifts throughout the day. I was blessed in abundance with a great time of study in Sunday School, God speaking through me in the sermon, being taken out for lunch and having great fellowship with friends, a two and a half hour nap, working on a Christmas present, and then at the end of the day when I was feeling emotional having Rickey speak life over me. The enemy tries so hard to tear me down but I refuse. My God is greater than anything he puts before me. Woo hoo! Today begins a new week. I know what is on the calendar but I also know I am ready for God to reveal to me what He desires of me to say and do. I prayed this morning about removing something I posted on Facebook yesterday. I did not do it for pity but some of the responses make me feel weird about it. When I asked God about removing it, His response was "No, Daughter." I know I have received a few private messages about it so hopefully it is healing hurts realized by others. I pray every day for God to cleanse me so He can fill me. I desire for Him to show through my words and actions all the time. I know the best way for that to be accomplished is me living a life focused on Him. Woo hoo! Last year at this time they were trying radiation on Doc's spine to alleviate the pain from the cancer spreading there. It was a week that once again changed our life. He was to have five radiation treatments but Dr. Newberry stopped after four and Doc was moved from Palliative Care to Hospice Care. Those were 'tough' days but they were blessed ones. That Sunday I was blessed with doing what we called 'tag team preaching' with both of us sharing the sermon time. We were blessed on Friday evening with a visit from Pastor Sam, Candy, and Zippy. We both knew he was in his last days on this earth yet we strived to make each day what God desired. As I reflect on those days, I am in awe of how God kept us both going. Actually, I'm in awe of how God was glorified through those days. I am thankful for our hours of talking. I am especially grateful for his last words he was able to speak the next week after the stroke. "I love you!" Thank You Jesus! Doc taught me to make the best of every day. He taught me to stay focused on God so you knew you were walking in His will. He taught me so much in our thirty-one plus years together and for that I am thankful. There are words in the song "When We Fall Apart" that mean so much to me...

Well, it's been awhile
Since you've been gone
Sometimes I still catch myself trying to call your phone
All the hopes and dreams we used to talk about
They're still alive in me and I just hope I make you proud
Now I'm your legacy
And it's your love still holding me together

Yes! I pray I am making Doc proud but most importantly I pray I make God proud. I pray every day to be the woman God has called me to be. I know as I live this out in life both of them would be proud of me. 

Dear Jesus, Thank You for a wonderful day yesterday with a great time of study in Sunday School, You speaking through me in the sermon, being taken out for lunch by Jack and Paula and having great fellowship with them and Nestors, a two and a half hour nap, working on a Christmas present, and then at the end of the day when I was feeling emotional having Rickey speak life over me! You are so awesome in the ways You bless me. The days leading up to Doc's last day on earth bring on so many memories. I am so grateful for each and every one of them. I pray for memories to be made today with You. May You cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You shine brightly through my words and actions today. I pray for so many going through difficult days to make good memories with You today. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Pete and Delores; Steve; Scott; Melanie; Sharon Sebolt; Sandi; Mike, Alex, and Michele with recent deaths of loved ones; many with COVID; a young lady with severe anxiety issues and another young lady with unknown health issues; Little Ivy's family; a young man battling addiction and another young man in rehab for anger issues; two ladies with career issues; and so many others. Lord, be glorified through our circumstances. Thank You for being My Focus! Amen.

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