Sunday, August 8, 2021

Proverbs 31:25 - "I Will Never Be"

Family whether biological or not are priceless. Yesterday was filled with blessings of spending time with people who mean so much to me. It was filled with reconnecting with ones I have not seen in years and ones I see very rarely. I may not do daily life with them but they are a part of my life. I feel so loved. The outpouring of those who came for my ordination celebration here in Ohio was precious. The words spoken over me mean so much. Many memories have been made over the years with them and more were made yesterday. I am so thankful for the times God gave me for people to share personal prayer requests. I also am thankful for the way He loved on me through people. During the night when I was awake God reminded me to pray for pastors who would be in the pulpit today. I prayed especially for Pastor Brenda who is filling in for me today. I was thinking this morning about the life of a pastor. It is one that is challenging but it so rewarding. When one walks in God's will, they will receive blessings over blessings. There is no better place to be than in His will. This morning a song Darlene Zschech sings is on my mind.

I will never be the same again
I can never return, I've closed the door
I will walk the path, I'll run the race
And I will never be the same again

Fall like fire, soak like rain
Flow like mighty waters, again and again
Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff
And let a flame burn to glorify Your name

There are higher heights, there are deeper seas
Whatever you need to do, Lord do in me
The Glory of God fills my life
And I will never be the same again

Yesterday is gone. We can never go back and change things. Today is here. We must be ready for whatever opportunities God puts before us. Tomorrow is still to be. We need to be ready for His will. I desire to live out Proverbs 31:25 yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I can and will do so as I continue to stay focused on Him. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all of the blessings of yesterday with my family picnic and the Ohio ordination celebration! Thank You for the time to reconnect with family I have not seen for years! Thank You for all of the blessings from yesterday, the ones ahead today, and the ones ahead tomorrow! Father, I pray for pastors who will be in the pulpit today to feel Your empowerment and be ready to preach whatever You desire. I pray for so many pastors who are dealing with COVID in themselves, their families, and their churches. Thank You for Rickey being with me yesterday and meeting so many of my family and friends! Thank You for all of those who helped with set-up/tear-down of the tables and chairs, provided food, etc. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I desire to live out the words to this song, "There are higher heights, there are deeper seas...Whatever You need to do, Lord do in me..." Yes! Your will is the desire of my heart. Whatever You desire is what I desire. Lord, be with those going through 'tough' times to feel Your love today. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Ofie; Pete and Delores; Chrissy; Sharon Sebolt; Melanie; Little Ivy's family; one with something found on her mammogram; a young man in rehab for anger issues; another young man dealing with addiction; a young woman with anxiety; Iwilda; and so many others. Lord, be greater than what they are going through. I pray for believers who are not afraid to share Your love to do so with them. I pray for safe travels for myself and many family members today. Thank You Jesus for being My Will! Amen.

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