Monday, August 30, 2021

I Corinthians 5:17 - "There Was Jesus"

Every time I was awake during the night the words to "There Was Jesus" that Zach Williams and Dolly Parton sing were going through my mind.

In the waiting, in the searching
In the healing, in the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
Every minute, every moment
Where I've been or where I'm going
Even when I didn't know it
Or couldn't see it

There was Jesus
On the mountains
In the valleys
There was Jesus
In the shadows
Of the alleys

There was Jesus
In the fire, in the flood
There was Jesus
Always is and always was, oh

No, I never walk alone
Never walk alone
You're always there

It does not matter where we go or what we do. He is always there for us. It does not matter how much we turn from Him when we turn back He is there. All that matters in life is that we allow Him to be our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When we do, we will not only spend life with Him on this earth but we will live with Him for eternity. Woo hoo! That is exciting for me to think about! It is exciting to know He is with me at all time. My heart breaks for people who do not live in that knowledge. It also breaks to hear believers doubt Him. My responsibility is to live as Christlike as possible and love people through 'tough' times. There are times when we may feel led to give advice but if God does not give us words to speak over someone we better keep our mouths shut. Only God knows the big picture of situations. He is the Only One who knows what people need to hear and when they need to hear it. Praise God for the change Zach Williams made in his life when he turned from drugs to Jesus. I love what he wrote about this song: No matter our sins or struggles, God is always there for us. Even when we may stumble, He will be right by our side to pick us back up again. What a beautiful blessing, indeed! Yes! I pray more people out of relationship with God will realize this and allow God to change them. I know I would not be where I am today in my spiritual life if I would not have had a change in my heart many years ago. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the blessing of such a great day yesterday! Great time in Sunday School and church, lunch with friends, two hour nap, and basking in Your presence...woo hoo! Thank You for the way You started my day today with words of encouragement from Rickey! Thank You for the week ahead where I know You will give me many opportunities to love with Your love! I pray for those who will take or already took the spiritual gift assessment to be open to the revelation You have for them. Lord, change our hearts to be willing to be who You have called us to be. Cleanse me so I can be Your words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today. Father, I pray for so many who either have never been in relationship with You or who have walked away from You to realize You are there for them. I pray for the young man in rehab for anger issues and the young man in the hospital with addiction issues to both see You in their life. I pray for families with teens that are making 'tough' decisions such as the Pottenger Family and another family. I pray for protection over one who is dealing with issues with a co-worker and protection over those dealing with Hurricane Ida and those in Afghanistan. Lord, I also pray for You to be close to many going through 'tough' days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Ofie and family; Scott; Melanie; Sandi; Sharon Sebolt; Nada; many with COVID; Chrissy and her son as they recuperate; Veronica's mother;  a friend whose uncle is dealing with cancer; a friend going through some 'junk' of life; several young ladies dealing with anxiety/eating disorders; Little Ivy's family; Carrie and Chris; Rick McCartney; Ms Savon and Mr John; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. May You shine brightly through people who will come in contact with these ones today. Thank You for being My Constant! Amen.

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