Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Luke 7; Psalm 37:4 - "Healer"


In between the rain yesterday Cait and the kids took me to Hunting Island. As I was walking on the beach I thought about many times I couldn't walk on my own due to MS. I remember one time we were preparing for a trip to the beach and Dr. Berke warned me to not overdo with the walking  in the sand. He told me I had to be wise and take it slow. Walking in sand is good therapy for those with MS but it uses muscles not normally used so he said I must be careful. I remember one time I did overdo and was up all night with cramps. I could have kicked myself for not listening. This morning God took me to Luke 7 to ponder upon. I read it in different versions and was amazed. Jesus healed many in this Scripture physically but He also healed in other ways. He healed the centurion's servant physically (vs 1-10) and brought the widow's son back to life (vs 11-18). He showed John the Baptist's followers who He was through healing in verse twenty-one. Without answering, Jesus turned to the crowd and healed many of their incurable diseases. His miracle power freed many from their suffering. He restored the gift of sight to the blind, and he drove out demonic spirits from those who were tormented. There were physical, mental, and emotional healings that occurred. When Jesus shared with Simeon the parable of the two men in debt, He showed how one can be healed spiritually. God did and does heal. He heals physically. I have received His touch many times. Sometimes through doctors and medicine. Sometimes instantaneously. He heals mentally and emotionally. Once again, I have received this type of healing from Him. He heals spiritually. Praise God I have also received this healing. The words to Kari Jobe's song Healer are on my mind this morning...

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You, I trust in You

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe

I am so thankful for the knowledge that He is my Healer! I am grateful for the way He brings Scripture and songs together for me to grasp His love for me. He is awesome! Oh how I pray for more people to come into relationship with Him so they can experience Him too. I pray for more people to get to the end of themselves so He can be who He desires to be in their life so they can be who He desires them to be. Yesterday at the beach gave me such a boost in my relationship with Him. He loves me dearly. I think of the verse about Him giving us the desires of our heart when we trust Him. (Psalm 37:4) As a little girl, I dreamed of living near the ocean. I daydreamed of walking in the sand and picking up seashells. Now here I am. Wow, God! You are so, so good! It is something special for me to feel the sand between my toes and listening to the waves. I feel like this is where I belong.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the opportunities to love with Your love yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for my time at the beach where You truly give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4)! Thank You for all the times You have healed me physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and most of all spiritually! Thank You for the knowledge You will continue to heal me as I trust You! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May I walk in the ways of peace You put before me. May I strike the enemy down when he tries to cause havoc in my life. I pray the same for many going through 'tough' days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Steve; Alex with the death of his grandmother; Chrissy and her son; Norma; Melanie; many with COVID; those starting school; Little Ivy's family; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. I pray blessings over Rickey today as he teaches. May You use him to be a beacon of light in his little world just as I pray for myself. Thank You for being My Healer! Amen.

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