Friday, August 20, 2021

Psalm 2 - "Starry Night"

How appropriate for God to take me to Psalm 2 with all going on in the world today. People in King David's time rebelled against his authority which in turn showed rebellion against God. In today's time it seems like more and more people rebel against God's authority. Many do not want anything to do with God because of the authority He has over them. What those who rebel against God forget is there are consequences to running from His authority. If we choose to run, we choose to live in hell for eternity. God is a gentleman but He also loves everyone dearly. He desires for all to live for Him. We were talking in Wednesday night Bible study about how hurt He must feel as a Father watching His children rebel. HIs reaction in Psalm 2 is not what I would expect. He laughed (vs 4). But then He let His anger show through (vs 5) in His words. I would call this a righteous anger. He did not sin with His words or actions because He was responding to a situation that needed addressed. How many times do we fall and God is there to direct us? How many times do we make wrong decisions yet God is there to love us back into relationship with Him? How many times do we make God angry only to receive His love, grace, and mercy? The answer is numerous for all. No one is perfect but we do need to strive to live a Christ-like life. As we do, we will live out verses ten through twelve of Psalm 2. It reads in The Passion Translation:

“Listen to me, all you rebel kings
    and all you upstart judges of the earth.
    Learn your lesson while there’s still time.
11 Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God.
    Recognize his greatness and bow before him,
    trembling with reverence in his presence.
12 Fall facedown before him and kiss the Son
    before his anger is roused against you.
    Remember that his wrath can be quickly kindled!
    But many blessings are waiting for all
    who turn aside to hide themselves in him!”

We need to fear God. I don't mean we need to be afraid of Him but we need to show reverence to Him. He desires us to be His children who love Him enough to do His will. The desire of His heart is for all to worship Him. When we do, we will know His love to a greater degree. His peace will be ours. His joy will be ours. As we experience this type of life He will use us to love on others with His love. I am reminded this morning of the words to "Starry Night" as I put Scripture on a picture I received from a friend.

From the painted sky
To my plank filled eye
He is God of all he is everything

Dear Jesus, Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me this morning so there is nothing in between us! May You flow through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. May people see/hear You instead of me. I pray for opportunities to not only be put before me to share Your love but for an openness in my spirit to them. Lord, there are many hurting today. Some physically, some mentally, some emotionally, some financially, and some spiritually. May You give them Your peace with whatever their day holds. May they see/hear You through others today. I pray continued prayers of healing for Donna as she was released from the hospital yesterday. I also pray for many traveling to have safe travels and good times with family and friends. I pray for Mike and Alex and their families with the loss of loved ones. I pray for a young man in rehab for anger issues and another young man dealing with addiction to have Your peace. I pray for others to receive that today too. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores with his surgery; Little Ivy's family; Gay and Doug; a friend whose uncle has cancer; Sharon Sebolt; Carletta; many with COVID; Chrissy and her son; and so many others. May You be greater than the hurts of life. I pray blessings over Rickey's day with students. Thank You for brining him into my life! Thank You Jesus for being My Everything! Amen.

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