Friday, August 27, 2021

Psalm 118 - "Forever"


I remember thinking on Monday how it was going to be a 'light' week but now that I'm to Friday and reflect on these last few days it was not as 'light' as I thought it would be. But the one thing that is for sure is it was what God knew it would be. He took me to Psalm 118 this morning and blessed me in abundance. In The Passion Translation the words "His constant, tender love lasts forever!” are ones embedded into my heart. It reads in the New International Version “His love endures forever!” We cannot even begin to comprehend what the word forever means but when we live for Christ we can be assured forever does not end when we leave this earth but continues into eternity. Praise His Holy Name! In The Message it reads, “His love never quits.” I am so grateful for the way He shows His love to me. He protects me, encourages me, speaks to me...everything. Yesterday there were two incidents on the road where He protected me from an accident. I am so grateful for His protection. He showered me with His love when a friend talked with me through a difficult situation. His love poured out over me with Kenny cleaning out my gutters. I pray His love poured out of me with my visits with Kayla, Rhonda, and Marion. I desire to live out His love every day in the way that will be most pleasing to Him. I know I sometimes fail because I am human but I know I strive to be as Christ-like as possible. Verses twenty-seven and twenty-eight of Psalm 118 in The Passion Translation read: 

    For the Lord our God has brought us his glory-light.
    I offer him my life in joyous sacrifice.
    Tied tightly to your altar, I will bring you praise.
    For you are the God of my life and I lift you high,
    exalting you to the highest place.

This is exactly how I feel about life. I want to be joyous in all I do and bring Him praise. I desire to live in a manner that is pleasing to Him. That is why every morning I pray for Him to cleanse me so He can fill me. I desire more of Him and less of me. I am thankful when I mess up He is there to pick me up and encourage me. I am thankful when I miss opportunities He gives me He is there to love me through such times. I am thankful for all He does for me even when I may not realize it. Plain and simple. I am thankful. This morning I am reminded of the words to a song Chris Tomlin sings called "Forever" and am thankful for the knowledge "His constant, tender love lasts forever!” 

From the rising to the setting sun
His love endures forever
And by the grace of God we will carry on
His love endures forever

Sing praise, sing praise 

Forever God is faithful
Forever God is strong
Forever God is with us

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the knowledge that Your constant, tender love lasts forever! Thank You for the ways You loved on me yesterday with Your protection on the road, through people, opportunities You gave me to love on others, etc.! Thank You for Kenny who cleaned out my gutters! Thank You for Chrissy's son getting through surgery and on the road to recovery! Thank You for Ms. Savon's mother and Mr. John having successful procedures! Lord, I have much to be thankful for as I start another day of life with You. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You go before me and be blessed by my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout the day ahead. I pray for Rickey to be blessed by You as he goes through his day. Thank You for being so real to Him! I pray blessings over many going through 'tough' days to realize Your realness today in their struggles. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Ofie and his family with the loss of Woody; Scott; so many who have lost loved ones; those with COVID; many struggling with depression; a young man dealing with addiction and another young man in rehab for anger issues; Melanie; Sharon Sebolt; Melinda; Carletta; the nine year old that found her Mommy dead yesterday morning; Gay and Doug; a friend whose uncle is battling cancer; a friend going through procedures and tests for the cancer in her body; a couple young ladies dealing with anxiety; Little Ivy's family; and so many others. I pray for the young man who had a job interview yesterday to realize You are the reason it went well. Thank You for being My Forever! Amen.

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