Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Romans 15:13 - "When We Fall Apart"

Wow, God! Yesterday was so much more than I could ever have imagined it would be. Yes, there were times when the tears came but I never felt alone like I thought I would be. I pictured walking down the aisle by myself as being a tearful time but God gave me such joy in my spirit and a smile on my face. I was so excited to finally be at this milestone in my life. My church and district family supported me so well in the days that led up to yesterday and in the day itself. God is so good! He loved on me throughout the day when awkward times occurred. His love shined brightly through all who hugged me and gave me words of encouragement. Dr. Busic will forever have a special place in my heart. His sermon where he called us ‘crazy farmers’ will forever be etched in my mind. When I became nervous and needed a distraction, Cait blessed me with an impromptu shopping trip. When I needed some human contact, baby Hudson provided needed some Grandma arms while his Momma got dressed. Throughout the hours leading up to the Ordination Service God showered me with exactly what I needed so I could experience the service with peace. Tears during the Memoirs Service were comforted by Miss Annabelle who hugged me and cried with me. I am one blessed lady. During the charge from Dr, Busic I had my Bible open to Romans 15:13. This verse was one God gave me in April as I continued the restoration process in my life. It reads in The Passion TranslationNow may God the fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in Him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with His super-abundance until you radiate with hope! Woo hoo! This Scripture fully describes my relationship with God. He is My Hope and He fills me with joy and peace. I trust Him with every aspect of my life and strive for Him to ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts every day. Praise His Holy Name! The words ‘uncontainable’; ‘perfect’; and ‘super-abundance’ are ones that describe attributes only God can provide. God provided my dress, shoes, and Bible from Doc as he wanted to make sure I was ready when yesterday came. He provided memories of our talks in his last days about what God was calling be to do in life. He provided Doc’s love and guidance to me throughout the years not only as my husband but as my pastor and mentor. The thirty plus years we had together are priceless. The memories we made will be forever etched in my mind. God reminded me this morning there will are new memories to be made in the days ahead and He is with me as I make them. He also reminded me to stay focused on Him so He can continue to guide me through the ‘good’ days and the ‘tough’ days. Praise His Holy Name! The words to "When We Fall Apart" come to my mind this morning as I think of how proud Doc would be of me.

All the hopes and dreams we used to talk about
They're still alive in me and I just hope I make you proud
Now I'm your legacy
And it's your love still holding me together


Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the wonderful day You provided for me yesterday! Thank You for the peace You gave as I walked down the aisle! Thank You for everyone who loved on me and supported me whether in-person or from afar! Thank You for the opportunities You provided yesterday for me to love with Your love! May today be filled with more of the same. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May people see/hear You instead of me in my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. I pray I will be the ‘soothing balm’ someone needs to receive today. I also pray for many who need to receive words of encouragement to have someone in their life to provide. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Melanie; Chrissy; Little Ivy’s family; Clay’s friend recently diagnosed with brain cancer; Carrie and Chris; a friend having surgery today to have toes amputated; another friend whose daughter was diagnosed with cancer and having surgery Friday; Cathy Coe’ and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts life can bring. Thank You again for all who encourage me! I am one blessed lady to have Rickey in my life. Thank You for him and the way You use him with just the right words! Thank You Jesus for being My Super-Abundance! Amen


M&J Africa 2014 said...

Your blog was such an encouragement to me today. I love your heart.

My Strength said...

Thank you M&J Africa 2014! God bless you!