Sunday, July 25, 2021

II Timothy 4:2-4 - "Yes He Can"

Yesterday was a day full of many emotions. There were so many times when I thought the tears were going to flow but they didn't. God is so good to be with us every moment of the day providing us with exactly what we need. He provided His...

  • wisdom with decisions with car repair.
  • peace when the question of 'where will the money come from?' came into my mind
  • protection from a serious accident
  • strength to get everything done that needed accomplished
  • encouragement from Rickey to help me through the day
  • joy in my spirit as I watched Marion eat out
  • love for me to share with others
Yesterday as I waited for my car I read the District pastor's reports. I wrote down the name of each church and pastor along with prayer requests. What a blessing to pray for other pastors! Last night before falling asleep, once during the night, and again this morning I prayed for pastors to speak boldly what He gives us to preach today. I prayed for those hearing to be receptive to His Word. I love preaching from the crafting of the sermon through the delivery. I love knowing I am sharing what He desires. Oh how I pray for more people to have the desire in their heart to allow Him to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords of their life. When we get to the end of ourselves and allow Him to be in charge, we are blessed in abundance. I am reminded this morning of a song Cain sings called "Yes He Can" and am blessed to know the truth of these words. No matter what we are up against He will do what is best for us. Perhaps He will not take us out of difficult situations right away because there is a lesson for us to learn. Perhaps it is we need to lean into Him instead of manipulating situations the way we think we want them. We must remember God knows what is best for us and will provide accordingly. We also must remember as Dr. Busic said, "We are not God!" 

Did He move every mountain? Did He part every sea?
Yes He did, so yes He can, oh
Did He defeat the darkness? Did He deliver me?
Yes He did, so yes He can

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You provided yesterday and the way You shared Your love through me! Thank You for the accomplishments of the day, Your wisdom, protection, strength, joy, love, peace, and encouragement! Thank You my time taking Marion out for lunch! Once again, You knew what I needed and provided. Thank You for Rickey who encouraged me greatly throughout the day with all that was going on! Thank You for the opportunities You gave me to love on people! I pray especially for the friend of our waitress who is dealing with depression to have someone come into her life that will speak life over her. I also pray for those involved in the car accident and the family of the one murdered to have people surround them with Your love. Thank You for Gary and Cindy caring for Chrissy! I pray for others going through 'tough' days to have people around them who will shower them with Your love. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Pete and Delores; Mary Lilley; Melanie; Sharon Sebolt; my friend with work issues; a family with a son battling addiction; a young man in rehab for anger management; a friend battling mental health issues; Cathy Coe; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. I also pray for safety for Alex, Tim, and their co-workers. Lord, may all pastors preach what You desire today. May we all be empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk in Your will. Thank You Jesus for being My Mountain Mover! Amen.

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