Monday, July 26, 2021

Philippians 2:1-11 - "Symphony"

I woke up this morning thinking about ‘who am I?’ or more specifically ‘who do I favor?’ I have traits of my earthly parents but I especially want to have traits of my Heavenly Daddy. I am thankful to be raised with parents who loved the Lord and were not ashamed to share His love with others. They knew how to love others so well when there was a need. I have fond memories of dropping off homemade vegetable soup to someone sick, going to calling hours for people we didn’t even know, taking groceries to people in need, etc. That was what life growing up was all about. We were not rich by the world’s standards but we were rich in God. The traits instilled in me are ones I pray I instilled in my children and they will instill in their children. Life is not a bed of roses but is so much better when God is the focus. Yesterday’s service with eight children to bless made me smile. I love having children come to church so they can learn about God. I also loved seeing them being loved on by the people. Ms. Carol is drawn to children and such a blessing to our church. Having the privilege to teach children’s Sunday School once a month is one I cherish. I love adults but I do miss teaching children. If I were not raised in the environment I was raised, my life would be so different. I would not have God’s love instilled in me as I do. I don’t know where I would be in life but I do know there is a great possibility I would not be in relationship with God to the degree I am in. I also am grateful for the thirty plus years with Doc where he showed me how to love with God’s love. He taught me how to look beyond people’s present to the potential of their future. We all have baggage from the past but we don’t have to keep carrying it around. God wants to free us from the ‘junk’ of life. He wants to free us from what happened in our past and what is happening in our present so we can live for Him in our future. This morning He woke me to a song called Symphony. These words touch my heart… 

And even in the madness
There is peace
Drowning out the voices
all around me
Through all of this chaos
You are writing a symphony
A symphony...

Tune my heart to Your beat

Let me be Your melody

Even when I cannot see

But You orchestrate it…


God desires to orchestrate our life. He desires to work in and through us so people will realize His love. When I think about a piece of music, I know there are many hours put into its creation to make it be what it was meant to be. God put time and thought into creating each one of us so we can be who He desires us to be. I am so thankful for the way He loves me. I do not know how people live without Him in their life. I need to get better at sharing Him so more people will realize His love.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday which was a long day but a blessed one! Thank You for those who came to celebrate my ordination, for safe travels, and time with Joe and Val! You are so good at providing exactly what I need. Thank You for Rickey encouraging me so greatly! I pray blessings upon his day today as he teaches. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You ooze out of my thoughts, actions, words, and attitude in a mighty way. Lord, help me to love more so people will come into Your love. I pray for those going through tough days to experience Your peace. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Steve; Pete and Delores; Mandy Sampson and her family; Melanie; Sharon Sebolt; Pottenger Family; Gay and Doug; Little Ivy's family; a young man dealing with addiction; another young man in rehab for anger management; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. I pray for Chrissy's appointment to go well today, continued safety with my travels, and for opportunities to love on people. I also pray for Alex as he is in training this week. Thank You for Bob and Beth having a safe trip back to California! Thank You Jesus for being My Symphony Composer! Amen.

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