Monday, July 19, 2021

Romans 15:13; Acts 1:8; Matthew 22:29 - "Good God Almighty"

Woo hoo! Today is finally here! Ordination day! I have worked so hard to get to this point. It is disappointing Doc is not with me to walk me down the aisle. It is also disappointing I will have no family here for the event. I actually need to rephrase that. I will have no biological family here with me. I have some of my church family and I have my district family with me. I was blessed in abundance last night with all the hugs and words of encouragement I received from my district family last night. The time with Ms Savon hugging and our tears flowing was special. Pastor Sam’s words about Doc touched my heart. I am rejoicing today because God has been and always will be with me. I am rejoicing today because His timing is perfect in all time. He has His reasons for everything that happens in life and I accept them. I am so thankful for the way He sees me through the ‘tough’ days and the ‘good’ days of life. I am thankful for the way He encourages me and loves me every day. I am reminded this morning of the words in Romans 15:13. He gives me hope every day as I live for Him. His peace is perfect even in the midst of the storms of life. The joy He gives me is unexplainable but is perfect. All of these attributes are part of my life because of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Woo hoo! I preached on this yesterday. I love the part brought out about God’s Power System. Acts 1:8 tells us: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you… God showed us how He gives us the authority over the enemy. All we have to do is receive such authority. There have been many times over these last few years where the enemy tried to tear me down but I stood in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and am where I am today because of such empowerment. One of the reasons I can stand in such empowerment is I stand on the promises of His Word. I strive to be in His Word daily so I can know it better. He speaks to me through His Word and directs me through the knowledge received. I am so thankful for Him giving me the desire in my heart to study His Word. He explained in Matthew 22:29 (NIV) a problem in many of our lives. Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.”  If we do not know what His Word says, we cannot receive His power. Being in His Word is crucial for all who desire to live for Him.  

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the opportunities You gave me yesterday to love with Your love! Thank You for the opportunities You will give me today to do the same! Lord, I pray for Your empowerment to not just get through the day ahead but to glorify You in the process. I pray for my emotions to not get out of control and for clarity in my thinking. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You ooze out of my words, actions, thoughts, and attitude today. This is a day I have waited on for so long. It is a day I have worked for and sought You. I will admit I’m sad Doc is not here. He would be so proud. I am grateful I feel not only Your presence but I feel his presence with me. Thank You for the support of my church and district families! Thank You for the hugs last night and the words of encouragement! Thank You for Ms. Savon’s hugs! You knew what I needed and You provided! Woo hoo! What a blessing for Pastor Sam’s words about Doc! Thank You for him and Candy’s support throughout these last two years! Thank You for being with ones going through ‘tough’ days! My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Melanie; Chrissy; Little Ivy’s family; Clay’s friend recently diagnosed with brain cancer; Carrie and Chris; Cathy Coe; Gay and Doug; and so many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. Thank You for another day of life and especially for the day ahead with ordination! Thank You for encouraging me through Rickey! Thank You for loving me so greatly that You brought him into my life! Thank You Jesus for being My Everything! Amen.

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