Saturday, July 24, 2021

Matthew 19:26, 17:20; Philippians 4:13; Luke 1:45 - "Rattles"

I woke up this morning to the song "Rattles" going through my head. This song reminds me of a time where I felt like God was doing a great thing in me to 'bring me back to life' so to speak. He did some miraculous things in my physical, mental, emotional, and financial bodies but the greatest change He made was in my spiritual body. Chris Brown from Elevation Worship wrote of this song:

Our song RATTLE! is about a resurrection. In Ezekiel 37, the prophet has a vision of a valley that’s filled with dry bones and God tells him to do something crazy. He says “prophesy to those bones that they can live again”…and he does it…and an army gets up off the valley floor! You know the truth is for all of us that life isn’t lived always on the mountaintops. Sometimes we’re in a valley staring at disappointment, facing a hopeless situation. But can I just remind you today that we’ve got a God who has proven over and over again that miracles are not a problem for Him. Resurrection is what He does and who He is. I hope RATTLE! gets your heart racing with expectation and the faith to believe for greater things…for impossible things in Jesus’ name.

Jesus reminds us in Matthew 19:26, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:13 we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. I love the words of Luke 1:45 with the story of Elizabeth and Mary. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her! Woo hoo! When we believe, we will receive. The more we allow God to work in and through us, the more we will receive blessings. I am not talking about financial blessings although those will occur. I am talking about blessings incomprehensible to the world. I stand upon Jesus' words in Matthew 17:20. There is nothing I couldn't do with God! Woo hoo! Last week's sermon challenge was to personalize and repeat these words. The more we say something, the more it will become our way of life. When I realized nothing is impossible with God, I was blessed in abundance. Anything of God's will is possible. Anything He desires of us is possible. All we have to do is live in His presence where we not only hear Him but we walk in obedience to Him. That is where I desire to live and how I desire for more people to live. The words to this song have such truth to them.

My God is able to save
And deliver and heal
And restore anything that He wants to
Just ask the man
Who was thrown
On the bones of Elisha
If there's anything that He can't do
Just ask the stone
That was rolled
At the tomb in the garden
What happens when God says to move
I feel Him moving it now

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the opportunities to love with Your love You gave me yesterday and for the ones ahead today! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for the blessing yesterday of being at the beach with Kayla, Cait, and the kids! I have so much to do but You showed me what I needed to do and for that I am grateful. Thank You for the day ahead which is another busy day! I pray for nothing to take my focus off of You so I can do Your business. Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Shine brightly through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. Father, I pray for many going through 'tough' days to realize nothing is impossible with You. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; Dan; Ben and Colleen; Aunt Joann; Pete and Delores; Chrissy; Melanie; Sharon Sebolt; Jack and Paula; Mary Lilley; a young man dealing with addiction; a young man in rehab for anger issues; Nada with upcoming surgery; Jack Rose as he continues his road to restored health; Little Ivy's family; Jed and Jenn; Pottenger Family; Carrie and Chris; Gay and Doug;  and so many others. Lord be greater than the hurts of life. Thank You for the one who had surgery yesterday to remove cancer; for me getting only a warning even thought I deserved a ticket last night; and for the way You are going to either stop the tingling in my face or empower me to not let it take my focus off of You! I praise You for who You are in my life and for the way You have restored me! I praise You for bringing Rickey into my life who encourages me so greatly! I praise You for tomorrow's sermon and the way You are going to work in and through it! You are greatly to be praise and I am so grateful for that knowledge! Thank You for being My Resurrection! Amen.

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