Friday, May 4, 2018

Psalm 21 - "His Strength Is Perfect"

Failure is not for God's people. Giving up is not for God's people. God will change the course of action at times and direct down a different path but He does not ever, ever want one of His children to give up. He desires for faith to go deeper in tough times and for people to draw nearer to Him instead of pulling away. He desires all to seek His will to know what to do when things seem impossible. His desire for all is to succeed in Him. I know of some who need to be reminded of these words as they deal with some nasty stuff in life. Some who need reminded that He is still in control even though it appears He has left them. There are some who feel like they are at the end of their rope after having another disappointment with a situation they thought was completed yet is not. It is so hard at times to live in God's timing when we want things to happen in our time. It is hard to have things fall through that appeared to be set in stone. But God's time is the best time. Walking in God's will is the best place to live. Being able to hear His voice is where His will is found. Sometimes it feels like we can't hear Him. It is those times we must draw closer to Him and get rid of self. We cannot live life in the 'what ifs' but instead need to live it in the 'God moments.' Having a house contract fall through, hearing a cancer diagnosis, suddenly losing a loved one, finding out there is no longer a job to go to every day, being shunned by a family member, having hurtful things said by a friend...all of these things make one question life. They make one wonder what they are doing wrong to make God put such things on them. Sometimes God allows things to happen so we will draw closer to Him. Sometimes He allows them to happen so we will realize we can't do life on our own but instead need to rely upon Him. This morning He took me to Psalm 21. David wrote this Psalm to show thanksgiving for what God has done (vs. 1-6) and for what He will do in the future (vs. 7-13). Matthew Henry writes:

Happy the people whose king makes God's strength his confidence, and God's salvation his joy; who is pleased with all the advancements of God kingdom, and trusts God to support him in all he does for the service of it. 

As one walks the road of obedience, His strength becomes their strength. Through this walk, His joy becomes a part of their daily walk. No matter what is happening in their lives they realize He is their Hope. They seek His will through prayer. They live by faith knowing He is in control. The love for their Heavenly Father becomes deeper than people can comprehend. In verses eight through twelve of this Psalm we read of what it can look like when our enemies come knocking at our door. I love how it reads it The Message, "You radiate with such brilliance that they cringe as before a furnace...You sent them packing; they couldn't face you." The evil one is playing havoc in lives but the only way He will win is when he is given that privilege. It is so hard to continue fighting him yet we do not have to do it on our own strength. God's strength is greater than his. God's strength is greater than our human strength. God's strength is the only way to fight the enemy. I am standing on verse thirteen of this Psalm...

Woo hoo! God's strength needs to be seen in all who are going through tough times. His strength will knock down the enemy and give victory to His children. As we await for that victory, we must continue "singing the good news!" We must never give up sharing His love as we wait on His direction. When we give up, the enemy will see defeat and pounce even harder.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the blessings ahead in this day. Thank You for loving me so greatly by encouraging me to never give up. Thank You for the way Your strength will be seen in me today and the days ahead. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. I pray for those going through tough times to dig in their heels and stand in Your strength against the enemy. Father, I praise You for the way You will be glorified in all situations that allow You to be. Thank You Jesus for being My Strength. Amen.

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