Thursday, April 7, 2022

Psalm 102:25-27/Hebrews 1:10-12 - "Yes He Does"

The lightning and thunder woke me a little before eleven last night. It was pretty amazing. I decided I was going to get dressed in case anything happened and then went back to sleep. The Lord woke me at 3AM with the song "Yes He Does" on my mind. There are so many people in my little world who need to not only hear this song but believe it.

Yes, He does
Still heal the broken
Run to the hurting
Pour out His love
Yes, He does
Restore the hope of
All those who wait for
A miracle
Yes, He does
Yes, He does

Greater things are still to come
Cause His love isn't through
So let your heart believe again
That He's not done with you

Our study in Hebrews last night reiterated God is with us yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He does not change but continues to love us no matter what we do or do not do. There is so much 'junk' in this world that tries to pull our focus off of God. We cannot allow that to happen. Instead we need to be stronger in our faith. The more we allow Him to be Who He desires to be in our life the more we will be who He desires of us to be. Matthew Henry wrote: Sin has made a great change in the world for the worse, and Christ will make a great change in it for the better. Let the thoughts of this make us watchful, diligent, and desirous of that better world. As we focus on God we will have eternity with Him as our goal. As we focus on Him we will realize His empowerment over the 'junk' of the world more. As we focus on Him we will have His joy, hope, and peace to a greater extent. Plain and simple. We need to focus more of Him. I desire to be as Henry said and be watchful, diligent, and desirous of that better world. I know the more I strive to be Christ-like the better I will be. Some days are hard with dealing with the 'junk' of the world but I know He is here for me. His love is always around me and within me. 

Dear Jesus, Thank You for this song that encourages me to stay focused on You no matter what is happening in my little world! Thank You for the strength and empowerment You give me when I get tired in my emotional being! Thank You for lunch with my friend Marilyn yesterday, last night's Bible study, keeping me safe from the storms, and for another day of life ahead! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You be seen/heard through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts. I pray Your peace over many going through difficult days. My Momma; my sisters Linda, Sally, and Mary; my brother Richard; Ben and Colleen; Pete and Delores; Steve; Cait; Mike; Norma Hall; Little Jensen who needs a heart; Sharon Sebolt and her Momma Shirley; Serena and her husband; some young ladies with anxiety; a man in rehab for anger issues; a young man out of rehab who needs strength in his daily walk; a husband/father separated from his wife; Pastor Sam; Mary Lilley; Preacher Bill Watts; Brooklyn; Kristen Batten; Timmy; Amber; families in turmoil; and many others. I also pray healing prayers over many who are dealing with 'c' and/or going through treatments... Doug and Gay; Patty's daughter Tracy; Sharon's daughter Ashley and niece Amy; Chrissy's cousins; Debbie's husband Kelly; Cait's friend with leukemia; my pastor friend with daily chemo; Patti Perkins; Tammie; Betty's friend in New York; my friend diagnosed with mesothelioma; Dorothy's grandson; Little Ivy; and my friend who has upcoming radiation treatments. I pray for: Jonathan whose mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, Russ and his family, Baby Henry and his family, the Long Family, June, Coley's Momma, and Christina and her family. I pray for all our military and their families to lean into Your strength. I pray for Larry Amstutz to have open doors as he seeks new employment and for Kim as she recuperates from knee surgery. Lord, continue to be with Anna, Michael, Matt, and myself with 'tough' days without my Rickey with us. Thank You for my friend Linda sharing the youtube videos of songs they did with him. Even though the tears fell as I watched them I felt Your peace in my heart. Thank You for being My Focus! Amen.

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