Friday, August 4, 2017

Psalm 100 - "We Are The Sound"

As I read Psalm 100 this morning I thought about the discussion we had at Bible study this week on witnessing. We were put on this earth to love with Jesus' love. If we are truly doing that, we would be sharing His love with others. We would hurt for those who are not in relationship with Him. We would have the desire in our heart to see people come to know Him. If we wanted to fulfill the desires of His heart, we would not put off talking about Him with others. Instead we would not be able to shut up about Him. I think of a new believer who is on fire for God. They desire to tell the world about Him. Why does that fire go out? Why is it that we don't say something about God to someone because we are fearful in hurting their feelings? Why do we think we've done 'our share' of telling others about Him when we've been doing it for years? Why do we think we our better than Jesus? Yes, that is exactly what we are acting like when we don't share Him. He never stopped loving with His Father's love...even when on the cross He showed love to the thieves beside Him. Why should we think we should be any different? We should not. Plain and simple. Everyone we come in contact with should have God's love shared through us. No matter how difficult we may think it will be if God prompts us to talk to someone that is exactly what needs accomplished. If He prompts us to give our last dollar to someone in need, so be it. The more we draw deeper in our relationship with Him, the more we will hear His voice and walk in obedience. There are all kinds of promotions that occur in the church to try to get people to evangelize. "Each one, win one" was one that I thought was catchy and would work a few years ago but unfortunately not many took the challenge. There is no way we can truly follow Psalm 100 if we are not sharing God with others. We can't:

  • "Shout for joy"
  • "Worship" Him in the way He desires
  • "Enter his gates with thanksgiving..."
If we aren't faithful to Him, how can we expect Him to be faithful to us? If we aren't doing His will, how can we expect Him to bless us with the desires of His heart? These are hard questions but they are ones all believers need to ponder upon. We need to also ponder upon the words to "We Are The Sound"...

We are the sound 
We are the siren  
We're all around 
And we won't stop singing it out 

Shout it out 
Like you believe it 
We'll break it down  
When we all start singing it out 
Shout it out now  

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders found in Psalm 100 this morning. Thank You for reminding me of my purpose on this earth. I pray for more opportunities to share Your love with others. I pray for more believers to realize the importance of this task. Lord, be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May You be the One to show in and through every aspect of my being. I pray for boldness in my spirit. Father, thank You for being My Fire. Amen.

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