Sunday, August 27, 2017

II Thessalonians 1:11-12 - "His Strength Is Perfect"

2:22AM...the Lord woke me with the words, "Daughter I need you to pray for pastors." So that is exactly what I did. He had me pray for pastors who are mentally and emotionally fatigued, financially in a mess, physically wore out and spiritually drowning. He told me He hurts over those He specifically called to be shepherds that are not following Him. As I prayed, I had the sense of sadness overtake me for hearing these words. To think of Jesus hurting hurts me. Sometimes we don't think of Him having emotions but He was on this earth in human form so He would. He asked me to pray for those who were not listening to Him. He said there were some who were going into the pulpit this morning with a sermon from themselves instead of from Him. He also asked me to pray for some who would go into the pulpit with a sermon He had given them yet they needed to be open to Him changing it. He said all pastors need to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit but today there would be some who would be challenged to allow the Spirit to change their sermon. They would need to listen to Him intently and in the end would be very blessed. He also had me pray for those who have left the pastorate. They need encouraged as they heal from the hurts from people that go deeply in their spirit. Some need encouraged because of the blatant sin that removed them from pastoring. Most of all He had me pray for restoration in relationships. He said some are relationships with others but some the relationship with Him. He asked me to pray for all pastors to be in a full committed relationship with Him. Some are losing their focus and are distracted. He needs our complete focus which in turn will blind us to distractions. Finally He had me pray for spouses of pastors, especially those who are not supporting the ministry.

I love to be a prayer warrior and especially when He calls me in intercessory prayer. What a blessing it is to pray for pastors! I know first-hand the ups and downs of ministry. I also know of the importance of having people pray for you. I know there are many who pray for us and for that I am grateful. Sometimes we don't know how to pray but the Lord gives someone else wisdom on how to pray. I am blessed with my ninety-four year old neighbor who prays for us every day. When I sat and chatted with her this week, my cup was filled. She encourages me so greatly, especially with her wisdom. This week she looked me in the eyes and said, " must remember your health, your marriage and your church" as we discussed what was happening in my little world. She helps me put things into perspective sometimes in a loving, gentle way. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for using me in intercessory prayer for pastors during the night. Father, You are so awesome! I pray for a cleansing in my spirit of anything that is not of You. I thank You for those who pray for us and ask a blessing upon them. I also pray for more of You to ooze out of me in my words, actions and attitude. I pray for an anointed service not only in our church but in all churches today. I pray for the Holy Spirit to reign down on all congregations who are worshiping You. May You be blessed by our worship. Thank You Jesus for being Our Strength. Amen.

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