Thursday, August 17, 2017

II Corinthians 4:6 - "Oceans"

Listening to God's voice changed my life. Before I could hear Him I first had to be in right relationship with Him. I had to die to self so He could live in and through me. I had to realize life is not about what I desire but what He desires. "Oceans" was so heavy in my thoughts during a time when the Lord took me deeper.

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

That is exactly what He did. He called me to go deeper in my relationship. Where I was, was not enough. But the thing about it is we should never be content with staying where we are in our relationship with the Lord. We always need to strive for more of Him. Saying you are 'saved' or 'sanctified' is not enough. People need to see Christ living in and through us. Last night in group it was awesome the way the Lord spoke to us individually but it all was one focus. We need to be a light in this world. Sometimes we are the only connection people have to Jesus. The burdens can become very heavy but He is always there for us. We must remember the Holy Spirit goes before us and prepares people to hear the Gospel from us. It must be done in God's time and not our own. But before we can share Him we have to know Him. We have to be in right relationship with Him. That sad part is that the church today is full of people who are 'playing church' instead of living out Jesus. There is too much legalism in the church today. For many gatherings of believers there is too much what man desires and not enough of what God desires. Man's choice of music, man's words in preaching, man's way of's way not God's way. I love to hear the stories of the people waving their hankies and running the aisles when they got blessed in a service. I love to be in a service where there is freedom to worship so if the Holy Spirit pours down upon someone it comes out of them. My heart breaks for...

  • the times Holy Spirit is stifled
  • when people allow their own personal likes of music to cause issues
  • when pastors have to have their congregation out by a 'certain time'
  • people who are in conflict with others in the congregation
All of these things show where people are in their relationship with Christ. We have to get past self and allow the Holy Spirit to take us where He desires.

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

Yes! The only way to be "In the presence of my Savior" is for Him to be not only your Savior but the Lord of Lords and King of Kings of your life. That is exactly what I am praying for today for many believers. I am praying they will let go of their desires and accept His. When they do, they will be blessed in abundance with a new freedom.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday! Spending time with Jimmy and Eli was awesome! The way You spoke to us in group was so exciting for me! Thank You for the day ahead and for the ways You will use and bless me. Lord, I pray for more of You to take over my spirit. May people see and hear You instead of me today. I also pray for more believers to allow Your Holy Spirit to work in and through them. Lord, may Your Holy Spirit have reign in more bodies of believers in the days ahead. May You receive freedom to be a part of services in a whole new way. Thank You Jesus for being My Freedom. Amen.

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