The Lord continues to keep Jeremy's family in my prayers. This morning the song "Home" was going through my mind. Actually, when I woke in the middle of the night it was there and He prompted me to pray for them. The words are so meaningful...
I'm goin' home
Where the streets are golden
Every chain is broken
Oh I wanna go
Oh I wanna go
Where every fear is gone
I'm in your open arms
Where I belong
Yes! "Where I belong..." It is hard to not be jealous of those who get to leave the mess of this world to the peace of heaven. I know there is more people who need to hear and experience the love of Jesus and that is why I am still here. But I also know there are many days where I am tired of fighting the enemy. When you think about it, the enemy fights only when there is a reason to fight. He does not like the way I love with Jesus love. Nor does he like when people experience the peace of Jesus through my words or actions. So if for no other reason I need to stay on this earth to aggravate the devil! When it is my time, the Lord will call me "Home" and eternal peace will be mine. For now, I will continue living in His will and know His peace is mine on this earth.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me so greatly and giving me the hope of eternal life with You! Father, I so desire to be with You. I know when it is my time You will receive me with open arms. I also know until that time I need to be You to others. Would You enable me to do that with Your supernatural power? I pray for Your words, actions and attitude to overtake mine so people will see/hear You instead of me. Lord, I also pray this morning for the Grimm Family and the Lorson Family to have Your peace on this earth. I pray for Jack and Eli and they go through testing today. May Your peace be upon them. Father, You are my Home and for that I am grateful! You are "Where I belong..." I so desire to be in Your presence and I am thankful I can do that on this earth but I know what is ahead in heaven will be so much better. Thank You Jesus for being My Home. Amen.