Thursday, May 18, 2017

Psalm 105:43-45 - "What You Want"

The Lord woke me up to a song Tenth Avenue North sings called "What You Want" and it made me think about how I use to live. I was in bondage to lists. Sometimes I had a list for my list. I thought I was doing His will by being so efficient to get things done. I will always be grateful for the day He took that away from me. The freedom found that day is beyond comprehension. There is a part of this song that explains that freedom. It is because "...I am wired to let You lead"...God is the One who knows what we should do in our daily life. He is the One who we need to listen to and obey.  It is what He wants of us that should be our goal. The satisfaction of marking things off on a list as they are completed is nothing compared to the satisfaction found in a relationship with the Lord.

Oh, there's freedom in this surrender
I feel myself come alive
And the burden feels like a feather
When I let my agenda die

Woo hoo! Yes! Freedom! That is exactly what happened when I allowed Him to take over my 'list issue' and to lead me. I think the reason there is so much freedom in this way of life is because I don't have to make any decision on my own. I know He is the One in control and with that knowledge comes freedom. He speaks, I listen. I don't just listen but I also obey. My life is about Him and what He wants of me. As I read Psalm 105 again this morning I was blessed with the last few verses. He brought the people out of Egypt into Canaan after they experienced so much tragedy. Why? Because He kept His promise to them. He will keep His promise to all those who live a life of obedience to Him. He will put joy in hearts to those who follow His will. Even in tough days when it seems like one can't go on there will be joy. His joy. It is a joy that cannot be comprehended or explained by humans but it is a joy that is beyond anything this world can give.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the opportunities that are before me today. Thank You for the Bible study last night and all that was learned. Father, today is a new day. There are a lot of things You have given me to do today but I know You will bless me with other things too. May You keep me focused on You so I don't miss anything You give. May Your words, actions and attitude be mine today. May people see/hear You instead of me. Father, once again I pray against Doc's pain. Whatever You want to come from this, I pray it happens soon so he will be free from the pain. Whoever needs to learn something, so be it. Thank You Jesus for being My Freedom! Amen.

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