I am so thankful for the time God took me back into fellowship with Him after I strayed. His love, grace and mercy are the only reason I am where I am today. Had He not accepted me back I would still be living in a life of awful sin. Instead I am living a life of peace and blessings in His presence. Psalm 116 talks about how David confessed and lived with Him. There were three things David confessed to. One was his faith (vs 10). He praised God in his prayers (vs 12). We must do the same. We also must praise God on our lips so others can hear. Another thing David confessed was his fear (vs. 11). The more he went through, the more he grew weary. We must be careful of our words and actions when we become weary. I know I personally have to work on this hard so I do not let crabbiness show through no matter how I feel. My words can be blunt and my patience with people short if I do not stay prayed up in the situation.The third thing David confessed was his gratitude (vs 12). We can never 'repay' the Lord for all He does for us but we do need to have a spirit of thankfulness. People need to hear how He blesses us. It is not that we are bragging to make others feel bad. We are bragging on Him to make Him please Him. A few years ago I had a person tell me God blessed me more than them. After praying for right words and attitude I told them God blesses my obedience. Everyone has the same chance to be blessed by God. It is up to us to listen to His Voice and then be obedient to Him. It comes back to Him giving us free choice. My choice is to live in His presence. When they start living in His presence and being obedient to His Voice, their life would be blessed more. I also pointed out that they were being blessed but just either didn't see it or didn't proclaim it. I was grateful they took my words in the right way and pondered on them. Just as David resolved to offer up his praises to God, we need to do the same. He delivers us from the 'junk' of this world every day. That is a great thing to praise Him for! He saves us from the evil one and gives us eternal life. That is another great thing to praise Him for! When we call upon His name (vs 2, 13, 17), He listens. There are times He is the Only One who can or will listen to us. I absolutely love verses sixteen through nineteen. This is where I live. I am His servant, ready to do whatever He asks of me. Sometimes what He asks is simple while other times it is very hard. The move to South Carolina was a mixed bag. It was so hard to leave family and friends yet it was so easy to walk in obedience. I am so grateful for all we have accomplished since coming here. Overcoming many obstacles with a greater faith has not been easy but yet it is rewarding. No matter how many darts the enemy flies our way "I'll complete what I promised God I'd do, and I'll do it in the company with His people, In the place of worship, in God's house" as we build the Beaufort Church of the Nazarene.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for bringing me back into Your arms many years ago. Thank You for giving me the spirit of willingness to being obedient. Thank You for enabling me to hear Your Voice and follow it. Lord, You are so good! Thank You for the fourteen children and teens who were here last night being loved on with Your love. Thank You for the seeds that were planted into their hearts. Father, today is a new day and I pray You will enable me to plant seeds. I pray for lives to be touched by You through me. Lord, grow my faith to a new level today however You desire. That means whatever You desire of me, Lord. No matter how challenging, I am ready. Be my words, actions, attitude and focus throughout this day in a whole new way. I continue to pray for a healing in Doc's body. I pray for a miracle to happen in him so he no longer feels so miserable. Lord, be his strength today in whatever You give him to do. Thank You Jesus for being Our Empowerment. Amen.