Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Mark 5:34 - "No Room"

"God gives His supernatural empowerment once we make the choice to live such a life and be reliant on His grace." I realized His supernatural empowerment in what happened soon after I wrote these words this morning. As I was going for my treatment a song I don't believe I have heard before came on the radio. It is called "No Room" by Kolby Koloff. As I listened to it the Lord brought to my mind one I had prayed for during the night. He told me to pray for her to trust Him with her back pain. I sent her a message with some of the lyrics to the song...

Oh, I'm handing over all my fears
Knowing you will meet me here
Fill my heart up with truth
'Til there's no room, no room at all
Why do I ever doubt
Even when I'm lost I'm found
Fill my heart up with you
'Til there's no room, no room
It's just you, all you
'Til there's no room, no room

Her response was: "Thank you so much! I LOVE it! I will listen to it daily. I think He was trying to tell me to trust Him and hand it to Him last night. Wow, He's amazing...and so are you! I'm very thankful for you. You encourage me more than you know." Her pain was intense last night and as she prayed she felt like He was telling her to trust Him yet she questioned whether she was imaging it or not. Him having me share with her this song and telling her I prayed during the night for her was confirmation that He indeed was talking to her.

I am not glad cancer was found in my breast but I am glad He is using me to make a difference in one's life that I would have never known without the cancer. Living in His presence means not only hearing what He says but following His direction. It means when you are woke up in the middle of the night to pray, you pray. There is no better place to be than in His supernatural empowerment. A few weeks ago I prayed for this one for a healing from her back pain. I know she was disappointed healing didn't come. But I also know my God is still in the healing business and He will heal her. I am believing she will hear these words from Mark 5:34, He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for loving me so greatly that You gave me another glimpse of how You are using me for Your glory. Bless this one with a complete healing not just in her physical body but most importantly in her spiritual body. Thank You Jesus for being My Director. Amen.

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