Saturday, December 17, 2016

James 1:27 - "Press On"

The Lord took me back to James 1 again this morning. The beginning part encourages me to keep on pressing on no matter what comes my way. There is so much teaching in this chapter but once again He had me pondering on the very last verse. I love to think about what "Pure and undefiled religion" looks like. It gives me the picture of something that is snow white without any ugliness to it. When I looked up the definition of undefiled, I found:
1. not damaged or sullied
2. not made morally impure
3. not polluted or made dirty
4. not desecrated
That is exactly what the Lord desires of us. He wants our focus to be on Him in a way the world can't have control of any aspect of our lives. His desire is for our thoughts to be His thoughts and our ways to be His ways. One thing He has been working on me these last few months is to align my attitude with His attitude. The world can easily pull us into feeling ugly in our spirits by all of the 'junk' that comes along. People's actions and bad attitudes can rub off on us and make us fall into the trap of criticizing, gossiping, etc. We must stay focused on Him in order to stay "Pure and undefiled." As we do, His love will abound from us in abundance. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for the first chapter of James. Thank You for the richness found in his words. Father, I pray for more of You in me so that I can be "Pure and undefiled" each and every day. I pray for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to give me supernatural power to not allow people or circumstances to take my focus off of You. Lord, go before me this day and bless me with 20/20 vision on You. Thank You Father for being My Focus. Amen.

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