Sunday, December 18, 2016

James 1:13 - 15 - "Joyful, Joyful"

The Lord woke me up early to pray for the day. I know our day is jam packed full with Sunday School, Morning Worship, a Memorial Service and then our Christmas Open House. He had me praying for not just us but for all ministry leaders to not allow distractions to take away from His desires for us. He prompted me to pray specifically for pastors to preach boldly and worship leaders to be joyful. A person going up to the pastor right before worship and saying "I need to talk to you" is one of the biggest distractions of all. I use to be the 'bad guy' who would protect my husband from people in between Sunday School and church. I would tell them he would speak to them after church but not before. Many couldn't understand why he couldn't talk to them but if people only realized how much concentration a pastor has to have they would. Having phone calls that a worship team member or two won't be there for service is a huge distraction to a worship leader. They can't just pull someone else in at the last minute without practice. But the thing all ministry leaders need to remember is God is in control. If the enemy gets an open door, God will close it when a leader asks Him. An open door from the enemy does not mean a ministry leader has to allow it to stay open and affect the service. The Lord took me back to James 1 and stopped me at verses thirteen through fifteen. God does not tempts us with evilness. Only the enemy can do that. Therefore, when someone brings something not from God before a ministry leader they must recognize it not being from God and dismiss it. Too many times ministry leaders will fret for days over things brought before them. It is only when they sincerely seek the Lord's guidance they find His peace. This morning the Lord had me praying for one who is fretting over something someone told them. This person is fretting to the point that when they go into the pulpit this morning they are considering resigning not only from their church but from the pastorate. My prayer is before that occurs they will realize it is a lie from the enemy and receive His peace.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday and all the ways You blessed me! Thank You for my husband who helps me so much! Lord, I pray for today to be a day full of opportunities to show Your love to many. I pray Resa's family will find Your peace as they grieve her senseless death. I pray for ones who killed her to find Your peace. Lord, be with all ministry leaders today and fill them to overflowing with more of You. I especially pray for this one who is do distraught ...may they find Your peace. Lord, fill me to overflowing with You so all who see or hear me today will see or hear You. Thank You for being My Peace. Amen.

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