Friday, December 16, 2016

James 1:27 - "Blessings"

Hearing the words, "Will you pray for me?" was music to my ears. When I asked this one if I could pray with her a couple days ago, she was hesitant and said "I'm not religious." But then yesterday she told me with a smile on her face, "After you prayed for me my day was wonderful!" When I asked what specifically I could pray for, she told me for her emotions. As I prayed the Lord guided me to pray for her specifically for the holidays. I'm not sure what her home situation is but no matter what holidays seem to bring out a lot of stress in people. During the night I was awake for over two hours so I prayed for people for the holidays to be joyful instead of horrible. I prayed for those who deal with....

  • separation from their children due to divorce or other circumstances
  • financial woes...especially those who over spend just because they think they have to
  • emotional issues for those don't have money as in the past to spend on buying gifts
  • a loved one who is addicted
  • the loss of a loved one whether recent or not
  • loneliness
  • anger over worldly situations
  • disease that is taking away their joy
Most of all I prayed for people who do not have the hope of Jesus Christ in their life. I prayed for someone to make a difference in their life as I am making a difference in this one's life through praying with her. So many times in the past I have told people "I will pray for you" but now if the Holy Spirit prompts me to pray with them I do. It may seem 'stupid' or they may say 'no' when I ask but that doesn't matter. When going out to eat, we tell waiters/waitresses we are going to pray for our meal and ask how we can pray for them. I love when they bow their heads or even drop to their knees and pray with us! Most people are surprised when we tell them we are going to pray for them. Some even get tears in their eyes. But the thing I think it the coolest part of it is that they know someone cares about them. We all need to feel loved. I am grateful when people make me feel unloved I still have the love of Jesus warming my heart. I honestly do not understand how people can live in this world without Him. "I'm not religious..." I do not ever want to have a 'religious' spirit. All I want to be is Jesus' love in a pure and blameless way. I was so blessed yesterday when I opened the box from Corey, Tish and my Elkins Naz Family with the beautiful prayer shawl. It blesses me in abundance to know people are praying for me. It gave me the Holy Spirit goosebumps to think about how the person making it prayed for me and then it was laid on the altar and prayed over. Wow! They are living out what God desires of them. They are fulfilling James 1:27...."Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." That is what I desire in my be kept 'unstained by the world' and live out the desires of His heart.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all of the blessings of yesterday...the opportunity to pray with one who says "I'm not religious," the energy You gave me through Your supernatural power, the beautiful prayer shawl I received...oh my the blessings were in abundance! Thank You for the day ahead! Thank You for the accomplishment that will be made through #8 today! Father, thank You for C that has opened new doors for me to be You to others! Wow, I never thought I would say that but You continue to provide open doors and I am thankful! Fill me to overflowing so people will see and hear You through me today! Be my words, actions and attitude throughout this day. I am so excited it is Friday! I get to spend the day with my hubby without the distraction of 'church stuff'...well, for the most part. I know with all going on with the building he has already received a call this morning but I am grateful he does not have to fill guilty for spending time with me today! He fills my emotional tank up and for that I am grateful. Thank You for being the One To Bless Me. Amen.

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