Sunday, November 1, 2015

Joshua 1:9 - "Through All Of It"

Thank You Jesus for giving me the opportunity to pray throughout the night...

  • for my husband with coughing all night...I prayed for his voice for this morning with Sunday School and Morning Service
  • for three dear friends who are going through tough battles with family members...the Lord gave me these words to share with them, "The battle is not yours, it belongs to the Lord." He also brought the song Through It All to my mind, specifically these words....Life's been a journey; I've seen joy, I've seen regret; Oh and You have been my God; Through all of it
  • for people to be in church this morning to see God wow over the service
Sometimes life can be so overwhelming and we get to the point of not knowing what to do. We pray yet it seems like our prayers are not being heard. We cry out for the Lord to take care of the situation we are dealing with. But we must remember to embrace whatever we are going through. Whether God was the one to put the situation in our lives or not He is there with us to fight through the battle and to come out victorious with Him. The desire of His heart is for our faith to grow through these battles. He wants to be the One to carry us through these times. He wants to be our strength when the enemy comes knocking at our door. He wants to be our Constant when life seems to fall apart. The song continues with these words...

You were there when it all came down on me
When I was blinded by my fear
And I struggled to believe
But in those unclear moments
You were the one keeping me strong
This is how my story's always gone

Yes! I pray my friends will know He is there for them. When life is unclear, He is their clarity. When the fear seems overwhelming, His arms are opened wide for them. When doubts come into their minds, He is there for them.

Dear Jesus,
You are so wonderful in the way You love on me. Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace that empowers me to do Your will. Lord, I pray strength in my husband's physical body this morning. I pray for my dear friends who are struggling with difficult family situations. Bless them in abundance with Your strength and Your wisdom as decisions are made. Lord, I pray for an empowering over their spirits in a way that will surprise them today.  I also pray for Your Holy Spirit to come down upon our service today. I pray for those who 'may' come to come. I pray for those who come to be open to Your Spirit. I also pray for a pastor friend who cannot be in the pulpit today due to recuperating from surgery. I pray for Him to feel Your Spirit coming down on him. Lord, would You please fill me with more of You? Would You please make my cup to overflowing in such a great way? Be my words, my steps and my attitude today. Thank You Jesus for being My Constant! Amen.

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