Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hebrews 12:11 - "First"

The thing I am most thankful for today is the way the Lord has blessed me over the last eight months. The trip to Israel where He spoke to me about "going deeper" kicked off a change in my life. It was not too long after that I was stopped with an MS exacerbation. I know the purpose of it was for me to follow that command of "going deeper." During the months that followed I have been challenged physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

For each and every challenge...I am grateful. 
Having all of my grand babies together for pictures this summer...I am grateful. 
Having a husband who cares for me so much...I am grateful. 
Experiencing answers to prayers...I am grateful. 
Hearing, listening and speaking words to command a kidney stone to pass for Doc...I am grateful. 
For friends and family who encourage me through tough days...I am grateful. 
Not knowing where the Lord is taking me yet knowing He is My Guide...I am grateful. 
Having Him as My Hope...I am grateful.
Being a vessel of light for those who have come to know the Lord...I am grateful.

Dear Jesus,
I am so grateful for all You do for me. You are so awesome. Lord, I just want more of You to fill me to overflowing so You will ooze out of me. The desire of my heart is for people to see and hear You in me today. Father, touch people through me. Love on people through me. Give people what You want them to receive through me. I love the words in a song Lauren Dangle sings....You are my treasure and my reward! Thank You Jesus for being My Treasure and My Reward! Amen.

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