Monday, November 2, 2015

John 14 - "Glow In The Dark"

Some would describe me as being crazy. Yep, I would agree at times I am but that's OK because I am who God created me and who God is forming me into being. That is pretty cool to think about. Not only did He create me but He continues to form me. I like that idea. I do not have to stay where I am in any part of my life. I do not have to accept bondages from my past which take my emotional being down. I can laugh when my mouth doesn't work with my brain and I say weird things because I know the Lord is in control and can heal me from the MS at the snap of a finger. I have God's strength to challenge by physical limitations when the Lord directs me. That is what happened this morning. We had a surgery to pray for but Doc's head cold became worse yesterday so he couldn't go. The plan was that he would drive me over to the hospital and I would go in. I prayed this morning and God gave me peace to drive. As I got into the truck I said, "Lord, it's You and me baby!" and chuckled. That is when I immediately started praising His name for where I am in my relationship with Him. Think about it. How many people would say such a thing to the Lord! Probably not many but I love that I can. 

In John14 Jesus prepares His disciples that He will leave the earth. He encourages them to continue believing in Him even when He is not with them. The teaching on the Holy Spirit that is found in this chapter is one that is priceless. 

These verses are the key to living as I strive to live. He desires us to lean on the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide us. It is through this type of life that His peace is found. His peace is the only peace that will enable us to get through the storms of life. I am praying for so many families who are going through tough stuff in their homes. Oh how they need His peace. But the only way that will happen is when all of them accept His peace. They must all be surrendered to the Lord in order to have His peace.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for creating me and thank You for continuing to form me into the daughter You so desire me to be. Lord, it is so awesome to be in relationship with You. I love being able to talk, listen and to even say things like "Lord, it's You and me baby!" to You. Father, how I pray for more people to get to the point in their relationship with You where they will surrender everything in order to live for You as You desire. I pray for more of You in me so I can be formed even more into what You desire of me. Father, fill me to overflowing so I will ooze out and people will see and hear You from me. Lord, you brought "Glow In The Dark" to my heart again this morning. Oh how I pray for more people to realize "That even in the darkest place...His love can make you radiate" and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through them during the storms that come their way. Thank You Jesus for being My Everything. Amen.

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