Friday, November 20, 2015

John 11:17-44 - "Exhale"

3 AM...the Lord woke me with these words going through my mind and had me pray for some who are going through some life changing things...

Just let go
Let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in, until your heart breaks
And exhale, exhale

  • I prayed for two starting their marriage and another seeing their marriage end due to his alcoholism. 
  • I prayed for two fighting for his physical life on this earth and another fighting for a life the enemy has him convinced is OK.
  • I prayed for two who is seeking the Lord for answers as she deals with her daughter who has chosen the way of darkness through a lesbian relationship. 
These words just kept coming to my mind..."Just let go...Let His love wrap around you..." No matter if we are seeking the Lord or following the enemy these words are so applicable to everything we do. We need to allow God to direct every step of our way. When we do, He will give us peace in knowing we are doing what He desires of us. My heart breaks for those who listen to the enemy instead of God. Life with the enemy may seem good at the moment but it does not last. Life with God is the only thing that lasts. 

In the story of Lazarus in John 11 Jesus says some powerful words when he commanded Lazarus to come out of the tomb in verse forty-four. The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” Those words are exactly what many need to adhere to today. "Take off the grave clothes..." The things of this world that the enemy gets a foothold into our lives are 'grave clothes' as they take us further away from eternity with the Lord. Earlier in this chapter (vs 25-26) Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” When we "Take off the grave clothes," we will have eternal life with Him. When we surrender to the Lord, we will have eternal life with Him. Sometimes that surrender comes in the form of our loved ones. Sometimes it comes in the form of allowing God to work in their lives instead of us fretting over the way they are living. Alcoholism, sexual identity issues, lesbian relationships...these are all things God is greater than. We must have the faith that He can handle such things and then we must be willing to leave them at His feet and be amazed at how He works in and through them.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the opportunity to pray for these dear ones during the night. Thank You for working in and through their lives. Father, I pray for a physical touch to be upon the one in ICU. I pray for his family to be comforted in knowing You are working a miracle in his physical body. I also pray for the couple who are marrying today. I pray they will have You as the center of their life. Lord, be with those who are hurting with loved ones following the enemy instead of You. Bring light to their darkness. "Take off the grave clothes" that have them bound. I pray against the ways of the enemy in their lives. Lord, I also pray for strength in my physical and emotional body. I pray for Your infilling so I won't miss any opportunity You put before me to be You to others. Fill me to overflowing. May Your words be my words and Your actions be my actions. Lord, You are so awesome. What a blessing to be in a surrendered life with You. Thank You for being My Eternity. Amen.

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