Monday, November 9, 2015

Deuteronomy 10:12-13 - "If We've Needed You"

Yesterday the Lord led me to preach on I Peter 1:13-21. The Apostle Peter encourages Christians to be Christ-like. We are to live in holiness by living in hope and living in fear. It is possible to live in holiness, even though it seems impossible. We must surrender to the Lord. We cannot surrender just part but all. I have such a burden on my heart for people who are comfortable with just being saved and not going deeper with the Lord. My heart breaks for those who rebel against what the Lord wants of all of us...our all.

This is what surrender looks like. He asks us to fear Him, walk in His ways, love Him, serve Him with all our heart and soul and follow His commands. That is a tall order BUT it is possible to do. When one begins to live a life of holiness, it will seem impossible but soon it will just as easy as breathing.

Casting Crowns has a song called "If We've Ever Needed You" that touches me. The words go...

"Hear our cry, Lord, we pray

Our faces down, our hands are raised
You called us out, we turned away
We've turned away
With shipwrecked faith the idols rise
We do what is right in our own eyes
Our children now will pay the price
We need Your light, Lord, shine Your light"

Many believers are passionate about things of this world instead of being passionate about the Lord. Many make decisions based upon what they want instead of what He wants of them. In order to hear from Him and do His will we must surrender. Not part, but all. This is where many are living today. My prayer is for people to get to the point in their lives where they can say/sing these words...

All our hearts, all our strength
With all our minds, we're at Your feet
May Your kingdom come in our hearts and lives
Let Your church arise, let Your church arise

Are you willing to walk in His ways? to love Him? to serve Him with all your heart and soul? to observe His commands? Are you willing to allow Him full reign of Your life? Are you willing to live in holiness by living in hope and living in fear? Are you willing to allow your rebellious spirit to possibly keep you from eternal life with the Lord? Are the things of this world as important as eternal life?

These are some pretty tough questions I asked in my sermon yesterday but time is short. We are in the last days. If the Lord were to come back for His children today, would you be one of them? It goes beyond salvation…we must surrender…we must surrender all not just part…we must allow Him to work in and through us. The only way this can happen is through surrender. Many are content with living in their salvation. But that is not enough. Christ did not die on the cross in order for us just to be saved. He died on the cross for us to be saved and sanctified. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to share my heart yesterday, although I would rather have it be Doc not be down in order for me to do that. I pray a continued strengthening in His body. I pray for Your healing touch to come down upon Him and for Your strengthening touch to be so great on him. Lord, thank You for the ones who let me know later in the day how the sermon touched them. I pray for them as they seek more of You. Lord, I also pray for the seeds that were planted through my words to grow. Lord, fill me with more of You so I can be what You so desire of me. Would You please touch my physical body so I feel stronger? Father, the desire of my heart is to living in Your kingdom. I use to think that meant in heaven but how exciting it is to live in Your kingdom here on this earth too! Woo hoo! Holy Spirit come down upon me in a mighty way. May everyone who hears or sees me today know You are flowing from me. Thank You Jesus for being My All. Amen.

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