Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nehemiah 8:10b - "At The Cross"

"Holidays"...for some that word represents family, traditions, fun but for others it represents sadness and loneliness. After a divorce/separation or a death in a family holidays can be pretty tough to get through, especially the first one after the loss. My heart breaks for children who have to deal with their family being torn apart. The days of 'what use to be' are no longer. New traditions are started and old ones are missed for many. It is hard to have joy during such times but we must remember the words of Nehemiah ...

It is through His strength we can get through tough days. It is through His joy we will not spend the holidays in turmoil or sadness. How? By being intentional in focusing on Him instead of our situation. 
He has so much love to shower upon us...all we have to do is accept it.
He has so much grace to pour down upon us...all we have to do is accept it.
He has so much hope to give us...all we have to do is accept it.

I woke up early this morning to pray for ones who my heart breaks for. I pray they will know He is their strength during these tough days.

  • the children dealing with parents separated; the parent who will not be with their children for the holiday due to the separation
  • the children whose parents are physically still on this earth but yet have nothing to do with them; the grandparents who are raising them
  • the one suffering in her body with cancer; her family as they support her
  • the families going through their first holiday without a family member; the families who continue to miss their loved one that has been gone many years
  • the one who lives alone and has no family members around; people to include her in their holiday plans
  • the mothers who are saddened with not having their grown children with her for the holidays; the grown children to contact their Momma on the holiday
  • the one who is dealing with a severe medical issue and can't do her normal for her family; her family to rally around her and help her to realize she is still with them and that is enough
  • the family with the premature baby who can't be around people; help people to realize the importance of protecting this little one
  • the one going through testing for a disease; help them to lean upon the Lord for the days ahead
  • the one hospitalized with infection; his family to not lose hope
As I was praying the Lord brought a song Chris Tomlin sings called "At The Cross" to my mind....

There's a place where mercy reigns and never dies
There's a place where streams of grace flow deep and wide
Where all the love I've ever found
Comes like a flood
Comes flowing down

His mercy, grace and love are ready to flow down upon each one who is willing to surrender to Him. It is in surrender that hope is found. Days of the past will never be the same after a divorce or death but they can still be good days when we allow the Lord to be our focus. New memories can be made. Yes, there will be tears of what we no longer have on earth but praise His Holy Name when we have Him in our heart we have hope in seeing our loved ones again in heaven. When we have Him as our focus, we have hope of better days ahead after a divorce. 

I remember the holidays of being without my boys. They were not fun. I was thankful when the Lord showed me the holiday can be any day, it doesn't have to be just celebrated on "the day" it falls on the calendar. When I realized that, it was as if a load was lifted off my shoulders and we were able to celebrate the holiday again. As they grew up, married and had children that idea became even more meaningful as inlaws came into the picture. Time had to be split again with more family members. I am forever grateful for the way the Lord showed me many years ago that a family celebration can occur on any day not just "the day"! Yes, I still have my moments of wishing I were with them or that they would call but then the Lord checks me in my spirit and reminds me there are many who don't have anyone.

I also am thankful for the way the Lord loves on me when I have a melt-down over not having my Daddy on this earth. Oh how I miss him. I miss the morning phone calls...the words of encouragement...the way he joked around... But I am also thankful he is no longer in pain. I pray for my dear Momma every day because I know his death left a big void in her life. As we grieve for a loved one we must remember to cry out to the Lord but also we need to remember we are not the only one missing them. We need to support others who are also going through the grieving process. In order to get through the tough days our focus must be...


Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders you have brought to me this morning. Thank You for Nehemiah  8:10b that enables me to get though tough days. Lord, each one I prayed for this morning needs Your touch. They need to feel Your strength. They need to know Your joy. Holy Spirit, come down upon them in a mighty way. I can't encourage everyone who needs encouraged but I ask that You fill me to overflowing so I can be You to those who I come in contact with. May Your words be my words...Your actions be my actions...Your attitude be my attitude. Lord, I am sorry when I am judgmental with people. Enable me to not be. Thank You Jesus for being My Joy. Amen.

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