Friday, May 31, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Move (Keep Walking')

Yesterday was too long of a day with Doc's Pet Scan in the morning and then going right to another doctor's appointment. With everything else going on, I was exhausted by the time I laid down in the evening. The day ahead today will be another hard one with the follow-up appointment with the oncologist. I feel like I am barely surviving. I do not know how people who do have the Lord's strength get through such times. It is all I can do to keep putting one foot in front of the other. The words to a song TobyMac sings are going through my mind...

I know your heart been broke again 
I know your prayers ain't been answered yet
I know you're feeling like you got nothing left
Well, lift your head, it ain't over yet, ain't over yet so
Move, keep walkin'
Soldier keep movin' on
Move, keep walkin' until the mornin' comes 
Move, keep walkin'
Soldier keep movin' on
And lift your head, it ain't over yet, ain't over yet

Doc said last night that he dreads this appointment today because we have not had good news at any appointment yet. We've prayed. Thousands of others have prayed. Yet we continue to go down this nasty road with this pot hole that is so huge it is swallowing us up.  I told Doc last night that we cannot allow the enemy to win. We must speak words of life and continue to lean on the Lord. If we do not, this journey will be even worse than it already is. There is no explanation for this journey but God can use it to be glorified. We must dig our heals in deeper into our faith and walk in His Peace. My physical body is exhausted and hurting. My emotional body is broken. My mental body is still functioning but not at full capacity. I am so grateful school is over. My financial body is struggling but being blessed by people who have showed His love to us. My spiritual body needs fed more and more each day. I am so grateful for God being with us. I also am grateful for the revelation that He gave me about II Timothy 1:7 a few weeks ago. He revealed how the last part of the verse means to live in His will. If I were not living in His will, I would have gave up a long time ago. He is my strength, my empowerment, and my peace. The only way I can realize that in its fullest is by living in His will and walking the road of obedience each and every moment of the day.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the blessings from yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Thank You for the great news about Richie's chemo! Thank You for being with Dale with his chemo and Kandi with her testing! Thank You for being my physical strength through the long day yesterday! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. Go before me today and be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May people see/hear You instead of me. May You bless us as we receive the results from the oncologist from all Doc's tests. May the results be favorable in that the cancer is contained. May You give the doctors and us wisdom on this journey. Father, we need a miracle. We need to feel Your presence greater than we ever have before. Open us up to more of You. Thank You Jesus for being Our Mover! Amen.

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