Tuesday, May 28, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Always"


I am so grateful for having some time to be at our 'happy place' yesterday. Even though it wasn't a long time, we made some great memories. People need to realize how important it is to take the time to do such things. We never know when life will change. Yesterday there were a few prayer requests brought to me where people are going through changes. One was with a death of a loved one, one with the loss of a job, a family who are going through a horrible experience, a family torn apart by alcohol, and another with a health situation that is tearing a family apart. As I was praying for each one, my heart broke for the ones where God was not involved in the situations. The ones who are relying on God through their circumstances are tough but not near as what they would be without God. We have peace in the storms of life when we allow Him to give it to us. We have His strength as we allow Him to empower us. We do not have to fear our future as we lean into Him. We can be assured He knows the end of our story. Sometimes our end may mean leaving this earth but if we stop and think about it we will be living with Him forever. Woo hoo! Yes, it will mean leaving our loved ones but it will only be temporary. As they live for Him on this earth, they too will join Him for eternity. There is sadness in our hearts to be separated from them but there is also joy in our spirits in knowing He is in control. It is sad to see situations where children are involved. Oh how I pray for protection over them. I pray for people to quit being selfish and turn their lives over to the Lord. I pray for them to realize they need to allow Him to be their King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the time we had yesterday at Hunting Island. Thank You for the strength You gave Doc to have that time. Father, just as we prayed yesterday, this week is in Your hands. The appointment in Charleston on Wednesday; the appointment with the doctor about the port on Thursday; and the appointment with the oncologist Friday. All of these are in Your hands. We pray for Your strength through them. We need physical, mental, emotional, financial, and most of all spiritual strength. I also pray for favor over this application for assistance I am turning into the hospital today. Your will, Lord, Your will. That is what I am seeking. May You cleanse me so You can fill me today. May people see/hear You instead of me. May You be greater than me in all my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day so You will shine from me. May people know You are living in me. May You ooze out of me in a new, different way. Father, I pray again for these situations You brought before me yesterday. I pray especially for protection over the children involved in a couple of them. Thank You Jesus for being Our Always! Amen.

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