Saturday, May 25, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "God Only Knows"

The two times I woke up during the night and then again this morning the words to a song King & Country sings were in my head...

God only knows what you've been through
God only knows what they say about you
God only knows how it's killing you

But there's a kind of love that God only knows

I thought about how hard it is for people not in relationship with God to comprehend His love. It is not like any love that a human can give. We need to strive to have His love to share with others but we cannot completely be successful in doing so. The closer we are in relationship with Him, the closer we will be to having His love. If we want to be His love, we must live a life of obedience to Him. That means saying 'yes' when it doesn't make sense. It means walking by faith through the trials of life with His peace. It means allowing Him to be greater than the fear of C. It means having His words, actions, and attitude no matter what the circumstances. Then, and only then, will His love ooze out of us. When I saw the gleam in our waitress' eyes yesterday morning at the end of my prayer with her, I knew she saw God through me. Yesterday afternoon when I finished praying with my friend at the assisted living home and I heard another lady say 'amen' I was touched how God blessed me. Communication with Him is key if one desires relationship with Him. If I am not communicating with Him, I lose focus on what He desires of me. I am so thankful for my relationship with Him. I know He is always here for me and He knows He can depend upon me to do whatever opportunity He gives me.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the strength You gave Doc yesterday to finish his sermon, be able to pick the boys up after school, and have dinner at the table. It was nice to have some 'normalcy' even though I know he was in pain. Father, continue to strengthen us through these tough days. May You cleanse us daily so You can fill us so our focus will stay on You. Thank You for loving on us through people's words of encouragement. Thank You for continuing to watch over our finances. I pray for favor with the application for assistance I completed. I also pray for recollection as I take my Final Exam this morning. Lord, no matter what I know You are with me and for that I am grateful. Father, be with my friend Kim as she travels to Maine; Jim as he continues to go through his grieving process; those out west who went through the tornadoes and now flooding; those in our area who will seek relief at the water today to be smart with sunscreen and staying hydrated; Peggy as she has her MRI today; and pastors who are finishing up their sermons today. At 2:08AM You woke me to pray for bi-vocational pastors who will not have today to enjoy their families but instead be preparing for tomorrow's services. Bless them in abundance as they sacrifice for You. I pray they will have keen ears to hear from You today. Thank You Jesus for being Always! Amen.

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