Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Psalm 112:1 - "He Still Does (Miracles)"

When I was awake during the night and again this morning, these words were going through my mind...

Like the fire in the night
Like the ocean parted wide
Like the grave empty inside
You will see
He still does

Yes! My God does still perform miracles. He still heals people of diseases and addiction. He still heals relationships that need restored. He still heals spiritual needs of people. Plain and simple. He still heals. I remember when I was diagnosed with M.S. a lady told me I would be healed if I just had enough faith. Those words haunted me and hurt me to the core of my being. They made me question my faith and question God. I think those words came from the enemy to have such a negative effect on me. If they would have came from God, it would have taken me deeper in my relationship with Him. My faith was strong. God chose to use that time to make it stronger. There are many people who I can think of that never would live as I do with M.S. They especially would not have gone through breast cancer like I did. Why? Because they do not live in God's presence 24/7. They are not empowered by the Holy Spirit as I am. There are even believers whose faith would have faltered with such diseases. My faith just went stronger through them. Every day I live by faith that when I wake up I will be able to walk, see, etc. There have been many times with the M.S. those functions were taken away for a period of time. Every six months when I go for my mammogram the enemy tries to scare me into thinking something will be found. The hole in my breast that continually seeps from a biopsy done over a year ago is another way the enemy tries to put fear in me. The only fear I have is the fear of the Lord. He is My Healer. He is My Anchor. He is My Everything. This song starts like this...

When you're at the end of the road
And it's not the one that you would've chosen
When you're at the end of your rope
And you're holding on
But feel like you're falling

I choose Him in such circumstances. I choose allowing Him to work in and through these circumstances of life. I choose believing He is still in the miracle business. I am praying this morning for a miracle to happen in several instances. I do not know when they will happen because everything must happen in His time. We cannot manipulate circumstances to make things happen instead we must pray and expect. I am doing just that with...

  • Doc's stomach issue...praying for answers from the CT scan today
  • Sandie's effects from her stroke...praying for a miraculous healing
  • Many suffering from cancer, dementia, Alzheimer's, infertility, fibromyalgia, M.S., lupus...praying for all to be eradicated
  • Relationships that need restored...praying for the enemy to be knocked out of them so God can be in the center of all hearts
  • Parents of prodigals...praying for them to never give up on their children
  • Families with addicted members...praying for God's wisdom for them and empowerment to not enable them
  • A family who is struggling financially due to the father's health situation...praying for a healing in his body
  • The rehab of our church building...praying for finances, a General Contractor, our presence in the neighborhood...praying for our church body to be ready for God's time
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings last night with Carrie and Chris helping with Activity Night. Thank You for Doc being able to drive the bus. Thank You for the fun time everyone had. Father, today is going to be another hard day for Roger as he goes through the calling hours for his wife. May You be his strength. I also pray You will be my physical strength today; my mental strength as I am struggling with this week of school; my emotional strength as I am so emotional; and my financial strength as I deal with all of the doctor bills flowing in. Before You can be these to me I need You to cleanse my spirit. Take away anything that would separate us and fill me to overflowing with more of You. Father, I do not want to say or do anything not of You today. May You be in every word, every action, and in my attitude throughout this day. May You be greater and me be less. Thank You Father for being My Miracle Maker! Amen.

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