Monday, May 13, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Today Is The Day"

The Lord sure does like to get His point across. Last night He woke me with these words from a song Lincoln Brewster sings...

Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it

My first thought was, wow God! I understand I am to be joyful in all circumstances (I  Thessalonians 5:16-18). I also understand it is Your will for me to be joyful. His Word tells me in James 1 that when I persevere through tough times my faith will be increased. Paul tells me in Philippians 4:4 to 'rejoice always.' I understand it. I live it. I walk in it. But right now this mass in Doc's pancreas is making it hard. During the night as I prayed for God to help me through this time He reminded me of something Nancy said a couple weeks ago. I can't remember exactly how she said it but it was something like 'I may not be happy but I am joyful.' What a great reminder. I also remembered Marlene giving me a JOY hanging a few years ago and telling me to not allow the enemy to steal my joy as I was going through a tough time with MS. My joy comes from Jesus not from circumstances. This mass can make me sad but I cannot allow it to steal my joy. What an awesome reminder He gave me with this song and the words from these two ladies during the night. Woo hoo, God! The song continues...

And I won't worry about tomorrow
I'm trusting in what You say
Today is the day

We do not have to worry about the results of today's MRI. God already knows and is in control. It is normal as a human being to be 'on edge' as we wait but God is with us. His strength is our strength as we allow Him to empower us. His loving arms are wrapped around us as we are in this 'waiting room' of life. Whatever the results, He will carry us through. No matter what the statistics are, He is the One with the end result. He is the One who knows the depth of this 'pot hole' and He is the One to know how much repair will need done on it. Any decisions ahead will be made in His wisdom. Woo hoo! That is a comforting thought! I am standing on these words from this song this morning and in the days ahead...

I putting my fears aside
I'm leaving my doubts behind
I'm giving my hopes and dreams to You

Yes! II Timothy 1:7 encourages me to stand in the knowledge that He is not the One to put fear into my life but instead empowers me to stand in Him. I also am standing in the knowledge of the promises of Psalm 91. He will rescue us, protect us, answer our prayers, be with us in times of trouble, deliver us, honor us, satisfy us, and save us. I am so grateful to have His Word to read and reflect on. God is my Rock.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday with You blessing Doc to be able to preach. Thank You for today for these words of encouragement. Thank You for the reminder of Nancy and Marlene's words. Thank You for the days ahead where Your joy will flow out of me. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me with more of Your joy. May it flow out of me in a new, different way today. May people see/hear You instead of me throughout this day. Father, keep these Scriptures in the forefront of my mind throughout this day. I pray You will keep Doc calm during the MRI; give wisdom to the technicians and doctors; and Your will to show in the results. Thank You for all who helped yesterday to set-up and tear-down for church; Mike who cooked breakfast; my new friend I met last night; and most of all for the way You encouraged me during the night. Lord, thank You for being Our Strength! Amen.

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