Saturday, May 4, 2019

Psalm 102 - "Bless Be Your Name"/"In The Morning"

I should never have spoken the words out loud yesterday that I did. I believe the enemy heard me and used it as an open door into our lives. I said something along the lines that I am fine with teaching, preaching, doing ministry, etc. when Doc is ill but I do not like doing things such as the sale today without him. We both had little sleep last night. He was/is planning on going this morning but in his weaken state I'm not sure how that will happen without the Lord intervening with His supernatural strength. When I got up, these words were going through my mind and God directed me to Psalm 102...

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

The song continues...

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord

Wow, God! You always amaze me with how You give me scripture that goes right along with a song. Psalm 102 is a lament cried out to God by someone who had great adversity in their life. I love the hope that is found in this writing. We are led to pray to God in times of trouble and not allow the enemy to play havoc in our lives through this reading. We are also told to praise God through such times. Whoever wrote these words thought he was dying (vs 3-11).  In verses twelve through twenty-two we are assured our prayers will be received by our Advocate who will present them before our Heavenly Father. He does not leave us even at times it appears He has. We can never give up believing in Him. We also can never give up crying out to Him. He is always there for us. He will never leave us. Just as I wrote about yesterday, there will be joy in the morning! It may come quickly or it may take time but it will always be in His time. It may come on this earth or it may come when we go to spend eternity with Him but it will come. We must look for blessings in times of trials. If we do not, the enemy will find an open door into our situation. A hard part of this is that the enemy does not like when we praise God. Are we strong enough to stand up to the enemy? Sometimes we feel like we have no more strength left. But we do not have to have any left. All we have to do is press into Jesus and allow Him to empower us with His strength. Do we get tired of fighting the enemy? Absolutely but we cannot give up because victory is ours in the Lord. How do we get through 'tough' days? By never giving up, pushing forward, and allowing the Lord's supernatural empowerment to take over our entire being. That is the only way to live. That is the only way we will not only survive the day ahead but we will see opportunities the Lord puts before us to love on people as He desires. He knows the desires of my heart. He knows what we are going through. He knows how I desire to be a faithful servant. He knows the lack of strength we are feeling in our physical bodies but He also knows we are ready to be empowered by His supernatural strength to walk in obedience to Him. God brought back the song from yesterday as I am writing this morning...

Would you dare would you dare to believe
That you still have a reason to sing
Cause the pain that you've been feeling
It can't compare to the joy that's coming
So hold on you gotta wait for the light
Press on and just fight the good fight
Cause the pain that you've been feeling
It's just the dark before the morning

I am so emotional this morning. The tears are flowing with this reminder that I must continue to "fight the good fight" because "morning" is coming! Yes! I am so ready to walk in it.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for these words of encouragement this morning! When the clock went off and I asked You if I could just sleep a little longer instead of spending this time with You, I'm glad You told me no. I needed this encouragement. I needed to be reminded to praise You throughout this day and that "morning" was coming with the situation with Doc's health. I am so thankful You know my needs even before I do. I also am grateful You will cleanse me so You can fill me so I do not miss any opportunity to love on people today in the way You desire. Father, walk before me. May You be Doc and mine's supernatural strength in a new, different way today. Thank You Jesus for being My Advocate! Amen.

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