Thursday, May 16, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Even Then

A song Micah Tyler sings was in my mind every time I woke during the night.

"Even when it feels like my world is shaken...Even when I've had all that I can take..."

I had a friend tell me last night it is hard to conceive Doc could have C when I went through it since moving here. 

"And even when the waters won't stop rising...No matter how it ends...You're with me even then..."

She also told me the diagnosis does not define anything. The doctor nor anyone else has the final word.

 "And even in the middle of a struggle
And even when it's hard to remember
You alone are my defense when
I'm standing on Your promises and I know
That even in the thick of the battle
And even through the valley of the shadows
You alone are my defense when
I'm standing on Your promises"

God keeps taking me back to II Timothy 1:7. He did not make me to be fearful. He made me to be strong through His empowerment. He made me with emotions. He gave me a husband that is not afraid to cry and also is ok when I cry. God does not expect us to not be sad during this time but He does expect us to lean into Him for strength. His strength is how we are continuing on. It is through His strength Doc was able to lead Bible study last night even though it was shortened. This week as I have worked to finish my exegetical paper Jeremiah's story has encouraged me as a pastor. It has encouraged me to continue on with what God commissions me to do no matter what obstacles come before me. It has taught me how to not give into temptation through those obstacles. It would be very easy to give up. It would have been very easy to give up many times over the last three years but my earthly Daddy taught me to never give up. I remember so many times of him calling and me still being in bed and him saying, 'Now Sheila Babe, you can rest but you have to get up. You cannot let the MS win.' No matter if it's MS, C, a church building, etc. I will not give up. "I'm standing on Your promises" is a phrase that I live by. My Heavenly Daddy loves me and will lean into His love for His strength. I will live out II Timothy 1:7 and not fear but instead live out His empowerment and love. The last part of this verse has different words attached throughout various translations. 

NIV = self-discipline
KJV = sound mind
MSG = sensible
RSV = self-control
NLV = good mind

In the Strong's Concordance it reads, "truly moderate; properly, safe-minded, issuing in prudent (sensible) behavior that 'fits' a situation, i.e. aptly acting out God's will by doing what He calls sound reasoning (used only in 2 Tim 1:7)."

I like that last part! "...aptly acting out God's will by doing what He calls sound reasoning..." Woo hoo! That is exactly how I strive to live my life. Walking in obedience to His will. This gives me a new appreciation for this verse. Thank You Jesus for this revelation!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song and time of digging into Your Word this morning! Thank You for the revelation through the study! Thank You for giving me the desire to be "standing on Your promises"! Thank You for the opportunities You presented to me yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me so Your words, actions, and attitude will be mine today! My prayer is for people to see/hear You instead of me. Thank You for all of the people who are praying for us, have sent texts of encouragement, etc.! Thank You for Crystal's words yesterday morning..."As the sunlight fills your home, may you also be filled with the love and peace of our Heavenly Father today." Those are words I will hold onto throughout these dark days. Thank You for Melissa's words last night at bedtime that I wrote of this morning. These words are ones You knew I needed to get peaceful rest. You are so good Father at providing what we need, when we need it. Lord, I thank You for giving Doc the physical strength to replace the alternator yesterday and lead Bible study last night. I pray You will be his mental strength as he prepares his sermon today. I also pray Your will is for positive blood work results to be received and a scheduled oncologist appointment to be made today. If that is not Your will, I pray for continued strength as we continue in this 'waiting room' we are in. Thank You Jesus for being My Promise Maker! Amen.

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