Tuesday, May 21, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Stand In Your Love"

The words to a song Josh Baldwin sings were going through my mind at 4AM and again when I awoke. It was a great reminder of what I need to do today...stand in God's love.

'Cause my fear doesn't stand a chance
When I stand in Your love

I love how God encourages me so much. Last night was so much fun with the JOY group. The laughter was great for my spirit. The fellowship was just what I needed. I was tired and hurting when I got home but I fell into bed with a smile on my face.  This song starts out...

When darkness tries to roll over my bones
When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own
When brokenness and pain is all I know
Oh, I won't be shaken, no, I won't be shaken

Woo hoo! "I won't be shaken" are tough words to live out but they are necessary. The joy God puts in my spirit needs to be lived out through not only the 'good days' but also the 'bad days.' People need to see my faith being lived out in days where my world is falling apart around me. God desires to be My Rock every moment of every day. He desires for me to live in His strength. All I have to do is allow Him to do so. That used to be hard because I tried to manipulate things in life to get the outcome I desired. I am so thankful I no longer live such a life. God is in control. He knows what we will happen at the oncologist appointment this afternoon. He knows what will happen following the appointment. He knows everything and we must trust Him as we live out His will. I know what I want to happen and I pray it is His will that it does happen but no matter what I will trust Him. He is going to prepare a miracle in this situation. Some time, some day. Whether that is today or not remains to be seen.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You encourage me through Your love. Thank You for the fun time last night. Thank You for the appointment this afternoon where I pray we receive good news but Father the best news of all is that You are in control of this situation. May You empower us to accept and live out whatever lies ahead. In order for us to do that, we need our spirits cleansed so You can fill us with more of You. Father, give us clarity as we listen to what the doctor says, give us strength as we grasp what is said, and give us grateful hearts for whatever the outcome is. Lord, I pray for Doc to not have such intense pain today as yesterday. I pray for Your Spirit to overpower the fear of this situation. Lord, I also pray for Jim and his family as they go through these first days since Sandie left this earth. May You be the balm that soothes their spirits. Thank You for being Our Rock. Amen.

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