Wednesday, May 29, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; II Corinthians 12:7-10 - "Fear Is A Liar"

II Timothy 1:7 tells us God does not makes us be fearful. Instead He makes us strong in Him. The enemy is the one who causes fear. This morning a song Zach Williams sings is going through my mind...

When he told you you're not strong enough
To put up a good fight...

Fear he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
Cause fear he is a liar

When the enemy tries to make me believe I cannot put one foot in front of the other, God is there to encourage me. When the fear of what the doctor will say creeps in, God is there to remind me it does not matter what the doctor says. The doctor is not the Author of our lives, God is. When the 'what ifs' start going through my mind, God is there to tell me there are no 'what ifs' in His mind. He knows the outcome of this situation. When people start telling the horror stories of what they have seen or know from experience with a loved one with cancer, God is there to comfort. I do not understand why anyone does that but I do know the enemy will use anyone and anything he can to tear us down. It is no coincidence that God has me praying about this subject this morning and our dear friend Kim sent us II Corinthians 12:7-10 from The Message. It ends with, "And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become." Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus for the way You use Your Word and friends to be such an encouragement!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your Word that encourages me so much! Thank You for friends who encourage us! Thank You for cards from Rikki, Wanda, Momma Ruth and Brian yesterday. Thank You for Kim sharing Your Word this morning! Lord, cleanse us so You can fill us today. May You go before us and ooze out of us. May You protect us on our trip to Charleston; give the doctor wisdom; and give us clarity in our thinking. Father, thank You for answered prayers yesterday with the one family situation. I pray they will continue to be blessed today with what they are dealing with. Thank You for Doc being able to go to last night's Activities. I also pray for those who have lost their homes and possessions in the storms to feel Your presence. I pray for healing in Tim's body from his accident. Be with him and Connie during these tough days. I pray for a pastor friend who is going through a tough time. May he and his family feel Your presence in their situation. May they feel Your healing touch. Lord, be with Chloe's family as they travel. May You be with the children in these last days of school. I pray for the children who are not looking forward to summer because they will not have school meals. May people be put before them who will provide. I pray for the Momma who is without food for her children today to be blessed by people. Father, there are so many people going through tough times. I pray they will feel Your love. Continue to love on Jim and his family with their great loss and Paula with the loss of her sister. Thank You Jesus for being Our Strength! Amen.

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