Wednesday, May 15, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Healer"

The Lord woke me once during the night to pray for children. This time He was specific in telling me to pray for those graduating. He told me to pray for those graduating from kindergarten, middle school, high school, and college. He had me pray for protection over all as they transition into a new time in their life. I went back to sleep until 4:20 when He woke me to pray for our current situation. It is hard to believe it was just a week today the mass was found in Doc's pancreas. I can feel the prayers of so many blanketing us. Yesterday when the MRI confirmed the mass I fell apart for a short time. I had been doing so well with my emotions but the dam broke loose. But that is OK because God made us with emotions. He does not expect us to not exercise them. He does not expect us to be emotionally strong through every moment of a storm. He does expect us to be spiritually strong and that is my goal. The enemy is prowling, waiting for an open door into our life but we cannot allow him in. The only way to do that is to stay in His Word, praying, and surrounding ourselves with His presence. As I prayed, He gave me seven specific things to pray for us to allow Him to be...

He will be our peace
He will be our strength
He will be our power
He will be our wisdom
He will be our joy
He will be our love
He will be our hope

He told me as we allow Him to live in us in these seven areas perfection will take over. Seven is the number of perfection. As He pours these things in us, He will be glorified, His perfection will flow out of us. Wow, God! This time of prayer was so comforting. It also was very encouraging. God knows the end of our story. We just need to allow Him to work in and through us so His will, will be the end result. Our move to South Carolina was His will. Our living through the threat of three hurricanes was His will. The way the doctors, medicine, and treatment was given for my breast cancer was His will. Plain and simple. He has never left us over these last three years nor the time before that. He will carry out His will no matter what the circumstances. He is with us in the 'waiting room' as we await the results of the blood work and for an appointment with an oncologist. He knows when both will occur AND He knows the results. We have nothing to fear. All we have to do is trust His will. We cannot let our faith falter but instead need to dig deeper.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You blessed us last night with Carrie and Chris for Activity Night. Thank You for the blessings of yesterday with my friend and those who live at her facility. Thank You for being with us when we fell apart emotionally. Thank You for the way You continue to remind us You are in control of this situation. Lord, cleanse us so You can fill us with more of You. That will be the only way Your love will pour out of us to fulfill Your will. Father, whatever is ahead in this day, may You be glorified. I pray today is the day for blood work results and an appointment time given for the oncologist. But if that is not Your will then empower Doc and I to stay strong as we are in this 'waiting room' of life. Lord, I pray You will be his Healer. I pray the mass will be benign. But once again, if that is not Your will, then empower us to stay strong. Empower us to not only hear Your voice but to listen and walk in obedience to it. Lord, be our peace, strength, power, wisdom, joy, love, and hope. Thank You for being Our Perfection! Amen.


Aritha said...

Thanks for writing about this. Love the 7 things. I translated them into Dutch! What is the difference between strenght and power in your language? In Dutch it seems to be te same word.

My Strength said...

Aritha, As we go through difficult times, God is there to strengthen us through His empowerment. I agree the words have similar meaning. When God gives us a message with repetitiveness, He wants to make sure we receive it. We must take on His empowerment for His strength and power to work through our situation. Does that make sense?